08-15-2012, 06:12 AM
MrMcfat3 Wrote:Why do some guys trim down there?
I believe it's more or less for the hygiene factor, although for some it's "cosmetic". As for other parts of the body as well I suppose :p .
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Luckily, I am not a chewy:tongue:[Chubacka - from star wars], although, I was always taught by my Mom that it's more hygienic to cut or trim whatever hair you do grow. She never liked hair so much, other than the hair on the head, and luckily I don't really grow much[practically none at all! except for my head... :eek:], otherwise she'd be all over me x.x

But in a way, I think she's right, for me, it's just more Hygienic, as hair holds sweat and odors.
If my guy turns out to be hairy-slighty hairy, then I won't mind so much, so long as it doesn't suffocate me and he makes sure his body is smelling clean :biggrin:
As for facial hair, I like it... on other guys. Not so much on myself. Again, as long as it's looking cute and he takes care of it, I won't really care. I particularly like a guy who has a "Chin-Strap", which is basically a thin beard going from side burn to side burn along the chin... Is it hot in here or what??

Basically for me... Hair is a no-no, but for my guy, sure. As long as it's kept neat and clean