This isn't going to work.
Being 'out' and a celebrity is going to be problematic, your relationship gets watched a little closer with more people looking for faults than with say Britney Spears and her 55 hour husband.
One of the commentators at the site said 'Maybe they have an open relationship'. Great for them, when they kept their relationship to themselves, bad for them now that everybody knows. People gossip, people gossip more when you have an 'open' relationship yes even the other gays gossip over such.
Anderson is in for a lot of scrutiny, him, his partner, his relationship. His partner is going to have to act in a more 'mainstream' manner, sorry but society has certain expectations, its bad enough they are two men in a relationship, society is barely tolerating that. The idea of 'open relationships' is going to go over like a lead balloon...
Face sucking in a public place is a big no-no in my books. I don't like it when straight teenagers do it, I don't like it when two adult men do it - I just don't like it at all. The only time face sucking is allowable in public is when its in the process of administrating CPR...