01-11-2008, 12:18 AM
According to the TV programm I watched nothing is not nothing. It is something created from nothing that continually becomes nothing. Yeah, I don't understand it either. :frown:
The guy says that is you were to hang two identical metal bars from a perfectly level rod about an inch apart then cover it all with an empty bell jar and create a total vacuum inside it the bars will slowly and inexorably move closer together until they touch. He maintians that the "nothing" inside the jar exerts a force that causes this without any external magnetic or electric fields. I beg to differ. I would assume that if the bars are ferrous then the earths magnetic field will cause this or if non-ferrous gravity will do so. Possibly a combination of both. Still somebody more competent than me may think different. What is your opinion?
The guy says that is you were to hang two identical metal bars from a perfectly level rod about an inch apart then cover it all with an empty bell jar and create a total vacuum inside it the bars will slowly and inexorably move closer together until they touch. He maintians that the "nothing" inside the jar exerts a force that causes this without any external magnetic or electric fields. I beg to differ. I would assume that if the bars are ferrous then the earths magnetic field will cause this or if non-ferrous gravity will do so. Possibly a combination of both. Still somebody more competent than me may think different. What is your opinion?