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past time
what's your favorite past time?

outside of watching movies, i enjoy reading everything from magazines, to books, to comics, to newspapers. if its in print, i'd <3 to read it

Gaming, reading, cooking, gardening, writing, drawing, horseback riding, hunting, fishing, swimming, target shooting, archery (compound and cross bow). About the only thing I don't pass a lot of time doing is sleeping - 3-4 hours a day is enough of that for me.

I game, I read fan fictions alot! Smile Sometime's i write some but very rarely.

I'm quite the boring person. Smile

Gardening, reading, playing games like SimCity4 And roller-coaster tycoon. I also have the Spore game - things like that. right now I'm heavily into designed useless crap on Googles Sketch-up... anything from furniture to houses.

I used to hunt, fish, camp, hike and do other 'nature stuff'. Well until I blew a couple disks in the back/neck.... I stopped hiking after the meniscus surgery, the second one where the doctor told me the first doctor ruined my knee for life (Gee thanks doc).

I used to play sports - American Football, softball and hard ball. Sorry I never got into basket ball...

I used to use the bow and arrow (ergo my name). Since the ulnar nerve transposition I have discovered that my left arm just can't quite do that. Either the elbow decides to lock, or suddenly loosens. My fingers also have a mind of their own - I have broken many a glass and dish in the past few years. One moment you have a grip, the next gravity takes over... Gravity sucks.

I also used to play violin. But the left hand has the ulnar claw developing (or the Benediction) so now I can't finger a fiddle to save my soul from hell. No more fiddles of gold for me either. Nopity:biggrin:

I tried once again not too terribly long ago, I got slightly frustrated and used a tree to play my violin. After a few good whacks the violin bit the dust... :o (smile, it isn't as bad as it seems, its actually kind of a funny story - now).

I write. Stories - never published because I can never be satisfied with a single damn thing I write. I get so far, reread, rewrite, reread again, rewrite again until I get frustrated and just throw it to the side having totally forgotten what I was writing about in the first place.

I can (jar actually, why its called canning when you are using jars is a mystery to me) food, dehydrate food - make fruit leathers, even my very own raisins fro the grape vines we have! - its a past-time. Of course with that garden I have to do something with all the food coming out of it. I suppose I could just lob tomatoes at the Banshee next door...:tongue:

.... Now that wouldn't be a new thing for me. I used to lob pumpkins - trebuchet style.... and other assorted fruits, vegetables, rocks and other things.

In case you don't know what a trebuchet is:

[Image: Trebuchet1.jpg]

Here are three guys putting themselves in for a world of hurt. They are loading 210 pounds (counterweight) Me thinks they are doing it the wrong way.... At least I never put my self under my trebuchet....

In winter I bake breads - usually sour doughs or breads from my starter. I do whole wheat white flour mix, rye mix, oatmeal breads, potato breads.... Some artsy fartsy breads. I like it because it gives me something to work out physical energy. Its not until my ulnar nerve transposition that I used the kitchen-aid hook (had the damn thing for a decade!) .

I don't bake in summer because in this wee house (450 square feet) running the oven heats up the whole house. Great in winter, an hour of baking gets the house all toasty warm for several hours.

I used to do the whole 'Society of the Creative Anachronism' http://www.sca.org/ Ergo the bowsmanship, the fletching (no not feltching, fleching - making arrows :biggrin: ) and interest in the trebuchet - as well as men in shining armor - always had a thing for men in armor...

[Image: 300100_medieval_armor.jpg]

I still study and 'research' Medieval crap.. I also have some medieval-isk crap that I used to collect.

Ah maybe that is where my thing for elves comes from as well.

I also used to play Dungeons and Dragons - BEFORE it was popular, BEFORE it was a Movie, BEFORE there were conventions and lots of other crap you just have to buy... Back when it was real and fun, back when the rest of the world thought we were Satanists... Good times. :biggrin:

I also do some furniture building, usually arts and crafts (mission style) type stuff, but I have done a few pieces that are more medieval. Too expensive since that usually means a lot of thick wood.

Currently I am spending a lot more time doing 'nothing'. I go out into the 'green room' a patio by one of my koi ponds under the Mulberry tree, surrounded by shrubbery and native flowering plants (the neighbors call them weeds) and I sit there drinking tea, or coffee and just stare and think...

Been doing that a lot more since my truck threw its rod. Sit in the shade, staring at the dragonflies, fish, bees, frog and think.....

At the moment my time is divided between 50-60 hours a week at work and home renovations, but along the way I have picked up a new pastime, aquarium fish. Last week I was given a 100 litre aquarium and I have decided to go Saltwater and I am building it up. Currently I have 4 fish, including 2 Nemo's (Clown or Anamone Fish) and 3 peices of Coral. Hoping to end up with about 10 fish and 4-5 peices of coral.

A pastime I would like to pick up again is fishing rod building, I haven't done it for about 13 years because I just never had the space to indulge, but now in a new house and plenty of room.

Cooking, baking, natural healing, my animals, reading, watching TV, Audiobooks, plant naturopathy, terrarium animals, production of naturopathic medicines and prescriptions, Art Crochet, playing videogames, my homepage, quarreling...and so on.... the day has not enough time....

Cooking, reading, eating, writing, exercise, walking,

Music, playing guitar, bass guitar. Shooting.

Reading, cooking, playing guitar, drawing, painting, knitting, tapestry.

[Image: 393376_10151251755409809_143705709_n.jpg]
My new Aquarium, 4 fish and 3 peices of living coral so far.

[Image: 581366_10151251756139809_728178653_n.jpg]
With the tank light on

[Image: 558504_10151247792534809_1176751967_n.jpg]

The cheeky bastards don't stay still long enough to capture a decent image.

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