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cousin brother...
As long as there aren't kids involved then I'm completely fine with it (not that I ever did such a thing).

Once kids get involved then I begin to worry (that is I'd wonder and think twice about it, not get hysterical over it). Conception isn't a problem for a gay couple so I'll ignore that. I could conceivably see some problems with labeling the family tree & relations, especially if there's an extended family involved in a small town (where such things are important).

That said, I love to bring up how many US states allow first cousins to marry and even have children with full recognition when many of those same states have banned gay marriage and even civil unions out of fear of what it would do to society. When I'm feeling especially mean I'll even throw in a quip about "allowing first cousins to marry and breed leads to children who grow up to believe Fox News is fair & balanced reporting." :tongue:

pellaz Wrote:All good for the mom and dad but there is NO research supporting this. Its a bad gay man to think this way even a little.

I was just kidding pell! I don't really think that.

Yeah that's the El Dorado, only 85 miles from me. Now if you tell me you dad rarely uses his given first name among friends, and it's very unique, then it's the same married cousins I know.

And if you are in anyway tied to the Ardwin's or Wades, well I basically know the whole herd.

Well, Like Daniel [Danny :p], I don't want to be hypocritical, when equality and freedom is every living thing's right, but I personally could not see myself loving a family member romantically, even if we're so far distant in relations. It's a different story if we never grew up together, but because I know my family and love them so much, I couldn't love them romantically, because it would seem wrong to me. Not to say that type of relationship is wrong.

And on the topic of hypocrisy, I believe that if malexmale / femalexfemale relationships within a family can be condoned, then so should a malexfemale relationship, however, because of the stigmatization of potential incestual pregnancies and the resulting deformities or anomalies in whatever children they may produce, people frown upon this particular relationship/pairing, even if they believe same gender relationships are better off, which is in a sense hypocritical in and of itself, which is fine, because hypocrisy is something that's been around for years, and seems to have insinuated itself into human nature.

But just as Non-familial malexmale relationships were condemned for notions beyond the rational capabilities of early "normal" people in "normal relationships", i.e- Heterosexuals, so is this particular form of relationships/pairings, and like our own homosexual/queer plight, they deserve equal liberities and freedoms just like how we believe we do, even though heterosexuals believe us and our lifestyles to be wrong.

So hypocrisy runs deep and everyone's entitled to their own specific opinions, because like an asshole, everyone has one :p . I just personally believe everyone deserves to be on equal terms and levels with one another, judgements and what not put aside, even if I personally would not entertain a relationship with any of my family.

Besides, like most animals, family tend to look outside their own gene pool, although as humans, we have the miraculous ability to sometimes choose against what comes naturally[which I suppose is a part of the argument of straight people against gay people, saying it's a choice, which can be true for some, but is more times than not false].

Just my $1.50 Loveya

[I mean no offense by the way, so don't not love me anymore </3]

Its not my place to judge others, as long as both parties are willing and consenting adults.

Its not something I would ever pursue...but again, two adults who love one another should be able to live their lives as they see fit. Same goes for polygamists. Again, not something I'm into, but more power to those who make it work.

i think this is just one of the many wonderful things about being gay, you can date anyone you want

pellaz Wrote:could be a controversial topic for discussion. Would be interesting to see what the community thinks of men dating their cousin, brother?

Where its almost a necessity to experience dating and love out side the family what happens if it just happens within. A CONSENTING LOVING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TWO MEN OF LEGAL AGE.

There is no logical reason to scorn such relationship, no danger of pregnancy. What do you think...

again the relationship must be:
a loving relationship
legal age.

Well, I think society would probably not condone two brothers (twins or not) getting married if they had that option, or becoming civil partners (if that's another option). It doesn't stop them having a physical and romantic relationship, in any case. It might be a problem if there was ''incest'' and there was a problem of abuse or rape, though.

I think it's icky but hey if Hansel and Gretel grow up and get lost in the woods again I don't see a problem.

Interesting and relevant article, good food for thought: http://thedartmouth.com/2012/06/26/opinion/ramesh

Oh and South Carolina is one of those states where first cousin marriage is full-on legal.

It is disgusting because you are meant to love them like a family member, not sexually!

It is as grim as doing things with your parents!

In all honesty I cannot condone such a relationship.
Sorry guys to me it's a big taboo , there are other people out there.

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