Day to day stress I take to the pond in prayer.... LOL
I meditate, I spend time out in the 'green room' the outside patio area surrounded in green with our deepest koi pond. I sit there and focus on the life that is there, the fish, the frog, the dragon flies, the bees which are now streaming in to take water back to the hive, the humming birds and butterflies.
Other larger stressers I "work-out". The more stressed I am the larger or more work the projects are I take on. There have been years were teh bushes and shrubs have quaked as I approaches since I took the shears:
![[Image: 2008103017563433662.jpg]](
and did severe 'trimming'.
Hand tools - it allows me to really sweat out the nasties.
The real reason why we have three koi ponds... Not so much because I felt the fish needed more room, but because I needed something to take out my angst, frustration, and other 'negative' emotions on. It was either use a shovel to dig out a hole for water or turn to something like alcohol or drugs and dig my own grave.
I used to manage stress poorly, I took it to the Bottle or the Needle in Prayer - I drank oceans of alcohol, and leaned heavily on the needle (speed mostly, but other drugs as well) to 'cope' and 'survive'.
Now I have nifty tools such as the serenity prayer:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
I still struggle with the wisdom part, I tend to not see clearly the things I can change and the things I cannot change... But its getting better.
I also remind myself that everything is bundled into tiny packets and I only have to deal with it for 24 hours. A man can endure a thing for a short period of time, its when he starts seeing that that thing will drag out for a long period of tie that he falters. So its all about 'just for today'.... Yes sometimes it is reduced for 'just for the next hour....'
Letting Go and Letting God... another interesting saying - a lot of the things people stress on they can't really fix and its just best to let it go and let the course of nature do its thing.
Time is a marvelous tool we can use. Just understand that 'Time wounds all heels' and 'Time heals all wounds.'