Not that anyone cares but I got the last chore done for today.
Not that anyone cares, but I have to wonder what these 'chores' are Beau has gone on about all weekend long.... Hmmmm?
Not that anyone cares, but my boyfriend is a verbally and mentally abusive jackass.
That's actually not cool he's being like that Buffylo. I'm sorry man.
Not that anyone cares but I'm back in chat again.
Not that anyone cares but I can only be pushed so far before I start dishing it back out.
Not that anyone cares but 2013 is shaping up to be one fantastic year.
Not that anyone cares but the sarcasm is seething.
Not that anyone cares but I love sarcasm.
Not that anyone cares but I too like sarcasm. (As long as I see it as such. Sometimes it's tough to tell online.)
Noy that anyone cares, but I think sarcasm deserves a font.