Not that Anyone Cares But...
The old man went to ER tonight after 6 PM, and I just left him about an hour ago (1 am). He is dehydrated from too much crapping, which as lowered his BP to 78/45 (Is that living? IDK) and his blood sugar has dropped to levels like 31, 48 and the big one of 50 for dinner.
Its been an interesting few days because he is on a walker which means he doesn't reach the toilet, or the bathroom when the urge hits.
Anyway - I have no idea what will take place over the next couple of days. They are keeping him for the 'night' which is morning and going to try to raise his BP and rehydrate him and figure out why has the outhouse trots...
So am I getting a day off from my job or two.... I don't think so. It now means I get to go back and for between a hospital and my home instead of his home and my home. Less cooking I guess, less steam cleaning carpets and stuff.
Anyway, this is why I haven't been on lately and why I may not be on much in the coming days.
Again, Not that anyone cares...