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i am 24 yrs old guy from Sudan , .. no .. i didn't want to kill the teacher , ok ?

the no. 1 reason for ending relationship between gays here is the feeling of guilt , ...
for me
3 have quited coz they wanted to be str8
1 coz Islam prohibits it
1 coz Christianity prohibits it

u know ... i become very angry when i hear this shit , i like to quit , lets quit together , ....
i am seriously thinking about leaving this country for a while ,

what r the chances in UK ??
honestly , i like to try as much as possible races ..
is it possible in UK ?

Iya welcome. That teacher bit made me lol. Coz I iz sad like that innit.

Im confused chances of what Cry

-Shoulda been blonde.
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more.

hiya and welcome to GS

wouldlikemuscles and salty beans ...

i am planning to travel to London for a short period .. but i will stay there with relatives .. they r conservatives and i haven't come out yet..

any any advice about dating .. generally

Hello and welcome to GS !!

I think dating is a mix between making yourself physically, emotionally and mentally marketable, and still fundamentally being true to your portrayal of yourself.

So obviously, good self-grooming is a MUST. Nice presentation, good clean teeth, fresh breath, etc., etc. ...

Mentally you have to be aware of what you're doing (which sounds stupid I know, but it's often overlooked) - you must be happy to be LOOKING for somebody, and not just because you can't think of anything better to do, or because other people are telling you it's what you SHOULD be doing ...

... and emotionally you've got to have addressed any massive baggage issues you might have - nobody wants to be with somebody that needs a carer rather than a partner - it's just not attractive or appealing - you've got to be able to demonstrate to a potential partner that you're sorted, and that you've got your own life under control ...

Master these things and you'll do fine ... just remember to ALSO be yourself - nobody likes a fake ...

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!

thank you shadow .. actually i am not planning to stay there for a long time , i am not seeking long term relationship ,

i am not familiar with the english accent , i can understand but i cannot of course be fluent like British , will it be a problem .. honestly
i don't like to look silly

by the way .. i forget to mention

u guys here , u r really nice and intelligent
just curiosity brought me here the first time

after reading articles in this website .. i change my opinion
there r bright ideas and concepts ..

the classical notion of the British dull , formal man doesn't apply here
r the british gays different from british str8s ? Confusedmile:

Bless you Bighug.

No stereotype is EVER 100% accurate mon ami - the British are as diverse a culture as any other nation, so yes - I'm sure you'll find ALL sorts of different people whilst you're over (and don't worry - we don't have just one accent - we have DOZENS depending on whereabouts in the country you're travelling to).

As for whether British Gay people are different to British Straight people, I think that yes, we are, but not in that you can always tell one from the other, or that we stick out like a sore thumb - merely insofar as, in most places in Britain, it is easier for us to simply be ourselves, and so we are generally relaxed-enough to be able to chill out and simply be NATURAL ... and that is when we're at our best, and most normal selves ... Confusedmile:.

I hope you enjoy your stay in the land of my birth !!

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!

Welcome to the forum Confusedmile:

Only the posh Brits are dull or boring lol but i like them for some reason.

Are you asking about dating in London , have some experiences while you are here you mean?

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