It's nice to feel like I am not a freak and are actually a real person with feelings that I can express with other gay people.
Confidence is a real big issue for me and already I feel like people care. Thank you
Thank you Thank you Thank you.
I have gone for it and put a picture up of myself, Oh what a troll !
I never let people take photo's of myself as I just hate it.
It's a start and although very difficult for me I am trying to sort my life out a bit. x x x
Yes it does, And there are people really in the same situation ??
When I get to know someone I have a great sense of humour and open up a bit more, But being inexperienced there is always that guard up.
I hope to talk to many people and eventually meet up or even go on a break with simular people so that I can lift this inner hurt and be who I want to be.
Although shy I am at that point where I have to try and do something. X