09-29-2012, 05:06 AM
So if your didn't know I have been at my new job for a month now. Everyone seems content with my performance. Today after me and a co worker (a guy my age) had finished unloading a truck. We we're taking a break and it was just me and him sitting on a crate outside of the store. Then he says, "He check it out lou at 6 o clock" which translated into "look behind you"-There two women walking past and I just lifted an eyebrow. "He goes yeahhhhhhhhhhh" and I just chortled and said "silly rabbit." and then I walked away. It was kind of the seed of uncertainty/confusion i always plant when faced with one of those situations. Now at the end of my shift we we're cleaning up and he goes, "He lou, do you like girls?" I just stared at him for a brief second and gave him the "wth are you talking about" look. He says, "Just be honest." and I hesistated for a brief second and simply said no. His eyebrows went up, and at that EXACT second (I'm not even lying!) an aggravated customer came up to him demanding stuff and he scurried away to help her. his shift ended after mine so i left before i could see him again. I'm kind of nervous for the next time i see him. Because i can technically cover it up. I mean he DID ask me if i liked girls, which is false simply because if i were straight i would like women and that would settle that. But should i just get it over with and say that I'm gay if he brings it up. I mean he probably already knows, but i can probably throw him into some labyrinth of riddles and puzzles so hard he'll avoid even talking to me because i'll force him into the meaning of life talks LOL. (years of the closet and literature do this to you) But i'm kind of trying to be more open. I'm also trying to trust people more and I don't personally like the guy. (he's not my type and a straight shooter). But still. Should i cover it up? I'm a little disoriented by my own choice to even say that. I kinda just bled out.