09-30-2012, 11:19 AM
[quote=ManicLewis21]I think I'm just going to treat it like its no big deal. QUOTE]
Best choice
If we would give a fuck about what others think ... we would be really antisocials. I done the "give a damn thing" in highscholl for the 1st 2 years, and after i went for a "trip" arround the world , i noticed it's their problem if they refuse to talk to me, to stare , point fingers ; my point of view when they do that , it's that my life is more more important than theirs , if they even bother to give me atention 
Although the 1st i camed out in highscholl was pretty bad :-S , alot of fights and stuff , but i made my point of view that they can't match with me even if i am gay.
Good luck in future with this kind of situations!:tongue:
Best choice

Although the 1st i camed out in highscholl was pretty bad :-S , alot of fights and stuff , but i made my point of view that they can't match with me even if i am gay.
Good luck in future with this kind of situations!:tongue: