10-07-2012, 08:27 PM
Hello all, I am in the closet, obviously. Well I am making steps, small but steps none the less into coming out. I recently told my cousin who is also gay but just by Facebook messages because he lives far away. He is the only person I have told so far. I just need someone to talk to about it. Well I used to be really good friends with this boys several years ago, probly about 10 years. Then he moved away to another town. I haven't seen him since. Recently I find him on FB and add him as a friend. Come to find out he is back in town and is gay. I had no idea when we were friends and he doesn't know I am either, well no one does. I decided I want to get to know him again and eventually tell him about myself but scared. I messaged him the other night asking how he had been and what he's doing these days. We caught up and I asked him "So, did you come out the closet?" I already knew the answer but wanted to hear him say it. He replied yes. I told him about my cousin recently coming out and that it gave me a new perspective of the gay community. He said that was great. And I told him that my cousins parents are very supportive but my parents haven't come around to it. And then I cut the conversation off because i was going to bed and i didn't want to go too far on the first convo. I have waited a few days and I want to message him again. But what do i say...? Think I should take it slow and I can't really have him over to the house much because if my room mate sees him or my parents, what do I say? And keep in mind that I live in a small town.
Sorry for the long story but wanted to make sure I didn't leave anything out. Thanks
Sorry for the long story but wanted to make sure I didn't leave anything out. Thanks