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I did it!
Well...i did it. It's 2008...and i've come out to 2 of my close friends. Oh...it was such a great experience and a huge weight has come of my shoulders.

Well, my story is quite long...so here I go.

Where to begin....hmm. Let's see. Im 16 and have always felt ''i was different'' since I was 13. I was never sexually attracted to women. I told my self then that it was 'a phase' (< --- classic) and that I would eventually like girls. So then puberty hit....and my hormones raged..and i began having feelings. I thought i'd be all over girls.....but I found myself lusting over guys and looking at their bodies. Hmmm...and also. My voice is seriously camp...people think im a women over the phone...lol. So with the onset of secondary school came the ''haha...you sound so gay'' jokes. And that's when I first began to realize I could be gay.

I went into a huge denial stage and began a string of 5 'girlfriends'. I was with these girls....but never really liked them...in that way. And so 2.5 years later,now, im 16...i've finally accepted that im gay Confusedmile:. But then anxiety hit me.

The thing is that my main reason for being so worried is mainly because of my parents. I dont want to tell my parents because it would destroy them. I’m from a sri-lankan culture, and to have a gay son would be frowned upon my relatives. This is made worse by the fact that if you’re found out to be gay in Sri Lanka, there is a 10 year jail sentence possibility. My mum isn’t the biggest fan of gays as when she sees them on TV (Graham Norton etc.) she says he doesn’t ’get’ them…..which is quite disheartening. My dad would actually hate me…..he’s a bit racist….doesn’t like black people…gays. There is kind of pressure on me to have children.

I almost attempted suicide 2 weeks ago, but backed out at the last minute. But i decided that if I live my life to my parents wishes....i'd be miserable inside. So i decided that im not coming out to my family....the whole thing is just too complicated and the consequences could be terrible. But then there is the subject of my friends.

I felt like my best friends (Jake and Leo and Joanna) should be the first to know. If they reacted well to it and then found out they were the last to know, they would probably upset that I couldn't tell them straight away. Jake and Leo I hoped would be fine with it. But it's the gossip that is oli/nick...they can promise to keep things quiet, but never will. Oli/Nick will tease me, which I know I should ignore...but it gets to me, oli will then spread it around school...sigh.

But after a long thinking session....i decided to come out...first to my close friends and then see how i feel. Apparently the hardest part of coming out is actually working up the courage to do it, lol. But I decided to tell Joanna, because she told me she was Bi-sexual.....so I knew she would be the most understanding.

So last weekend...we casually met up for coffee at Starbucks (mmmm)....and got a table in the back. And then I did it. Here's how it went.

Ro: I've got News
Jojo: Is it good?
Ro: In my eyes...yes
Jojo: So what is it?
*waits a moment*
Ro: I'm.....gay....*looks away*
Jojo: *Jumps Up*....that's great..celebrate it!...*hugs me*

She then bought me a big cookie and we went shopping in Kingston...yay...she's so cool. And she was the first person I told, and it went wel (and got a free cookiel!!). One down....two to go.

Next up...Leo. Ahh Leo....my innocent finnish friend. He's older than me...by 8 days....but is still so innocent. He didnt know what oral etc. was....awww. Anyway...he's like my closest male friend. I decided that I was going to tell him differenly. So last Monday...over MSN...I told him i had a ''thing'' to tell him...and told him that my 'thing' had made me almost suicidal. He got worried and begged to know what it was. I said...wait till tommorow...and logged off. And so on Tuesday at School....at lunchtime...we met up and I took him to a quiet room and we sat down. Here's how it went:

Ro: So you want to know about my 'thing'?
Leo: Yes!!....why is it so terrible...why are you suicidal??
Ro: Well.....*silence* (damn nerves)
Leo: Well??
Ro: Okay...you know are friendship means the world to me?
Leo: Yes...just tell me....I want to know?
Ro: Okay....hmm...what do the ''popular'' people at school tease me about....being?
Ro: Well....yeah.....Im gay *looks away* <---(why do I do that?...lol)
Leo: That's.....*pause*...cool....yeah im okay with it?
*I hug him*
Ro: You're probably insecure now
*We laugh*
Leo: But why were you suicidal over only that?

I then tell him about the whole culture thingy...and he understands...but makes me promise to call him next time I feel like that (he's such a good friend)

And....well that's the story so far!....going to tell Jake soon.....and then see how i feel.

I feel so happy!!!


Awww kcl that's cool! :biggrin:

I am glad it went good for you and i believe you did the right thing and moved wisely. You chose the people you want to tell and you find the courage to do it. When coming out the best thing to do is to share it with the people you think they will take it well and keep quiet to those that you believe or you know they have serious problem with it until you are ready to take their reaction. On that note , i would suggest to tell your family yet.

Coming out is attached to a lot of anxiety and thoughts that can make us feel really bad about life. When we are patient we realize that is not the case as things always work out in the best possible way for those that move carefully and wisely. From what you wrote above i see you have a good head on your shoulders and will serve you well so keep it up!!! Confusedmile:

Hey dude, big congrats Confusedmile:
It's always good when first experiences of coming out are good! It kind of provides courage and strength to tell the next person, and the next rather than hitting hurdles that bring you down for a period of time before you tell the next one.

Soldier on and let us know about your adventures on your journey out of the closet :biggrin:

that is cool and impressive


So happy for you Ro!
That was a great story.

Hopeflly your parents will come round, you shouldn't have to hide it from them for ever.
And it's great that your friends were good with it.


wow~ great story....
i can totally understand ur concern. i quite share the culture with u,no prison sentence here though.

i am quite inspired by ur courage,but it is really hard for me to do that...Anyway wish u all the best...

I'm so happy for you and I also envy you for telling the truth and being unafraid. Bravo

Bless you kcl91, that's REALLY really heartwarming !!

I'm sorry that your parents don't seem like the type of people to appreciate what you're going through, or to be supportive of you if they were to find out about your being gay ... I think it's often difficult to see how people can maintain that type of mentality in light of the harm it can cause to the ones they love (i.e. the pressure it places you under and so on and so forth), but I rationalise it as their having been formed in accordance with a strong set of beliefs that they hold dear to as well ...

It's just a shame when such strong beliefs stand at odds with the very malleable and understanding world we currently live in ...

EITHER WAY, I'm VERY pleased that things went well with your first two best mates, and I wish you all the very best for the third !! :biggrin:.

Bighug kiddo - and, as the boys have said, let us know how you get on !! Cool.

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!

thanks you guys...*hugs*

lol...random searchin...look what I found ^^^


Telling Jake soon....wish me luck:tongue:

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