10-26-2012, 04:15 AM
BellyNel Wrote:Could someone kindly explain to me how to do that? Because I am nearly deathly afraid of talking to a stranger. I seriously want to make new friends outside of my classmates / coworkers world. I literally DON'T have the number of a stranger I met in person who I became friends with. I have a handful of Facebook friends that were created because of... I don't even remember how. One of them literally told me that we should end the friendship because he wanted to meet me in person and hang out, but I kept blowing him off and was scared to, even answering me if he was an axe murderer, which he isn't.
The quote 'Suck it up princess' came straight to mind.
Everyone is a stranger until you meet them, then they become aquaintences or friends, especially if you find people that have a similar interest(s) as you.
Being brave isn't that difficult because the rewards are great than being a nervous nelly. I guess each person just has to find a niche, or their own way of dealing with social interaction.
I have worked in retail most of my life, so I don't find it strange the have conversations with complete strangers, even if it about the weather.

All you have to do to be brave is try something different.