02-18-2008, 10:36 PM
Hey there,
I'm new to this forum, I joined just now.
I need some advice, which is the reason why I signed up. I came out in the middle half of 2007 and it wasn't easy but since then I haven't had any flak from anyone for it.
Anyway, I shall cut to the chase and tell you what my situation is. I've got a MASSIVE crush on someone who I work with called Steven. He is 22 and I am 19, and he is very lovely. I am not totally sure as to where he stands with his sexuality, but there is evidence to suggest that he's gay. I work in like a workshop environment for people with difficulties and they go and do filing, printing, collating to keep occupied (I enjoy it there, but I work in the office, still I do do some workshop stuff).
We have coffee break from 10:30am til 11am and you can go into the canteen or mill around the work area. I do both, and bump into Steven quite frequently in both places. However, in the very recent past I have noticed him staring into my direction and I have seen him looking at me, several times now and a few times in a day, breaktime or not. The way he talks, walks and does things also suggests things. Now, I'm not stereotyping but he does walk quite differently to how you see other guys. He also sounds rather camp too (but sweet). He's lovely to a lot of people. As a team, the service users work voluntarily but get a lot back in return and so we go on trips once per month of our choosing. About twice now he has made his way to sit with me on the bus and will take any opportunity to talk to me even if it's just small talk.
I've had these feelings for about 4-5 weeks now and they're getting greater, yet I still don't know of his sexuality properly. Last week I plucked up the courage to swap phone numbers with him (I usually clam up when I'm near him) :redface:
And I've managed to call him and invite him to my house (this weekend just gone) and he was very keen and wanted to do it, but would check to see what he was doing). Lo and behold he did get back to me and told me he didn't have any money. So a couple of days later I was leaving the cinema and I texted him to see if he wanted to come see a film with me and he replied a bit later and said 'Yea to see what?' At least it was a definite yes. I don't know how to regard the whole situation and feel really stupid sometimes. :frown: I managed to tell him I was gay but I did it in a way I regret; over a text message. :redface:
I keep getting funny feelings like I'm being completely consumed and it reduces my appetite and I feel like this right now and it makes me feel all kinds of things, but most of all, tired.
Anyone got any advice please? Sorry it was such a long thread.
I'm new to this forum, I joined just now.
I need some advice, which is the reason why I signed up. I came out in the middle half of 2007 and it wasn't easy but since then I haven't had any flak from anyone for it.
Anyway, I shall cut to the chase and tell you what my situation is. I've got a MASSIVE crush on someone who I work with called Steven. He is 22 and I am 19, and he is very lovely. I am not totally sure as to where he stands with his sexuality, but there is evidence to suggest that he's gay. I work in like a workshop environment for people with difficulties and they go and do filing, printing, collating to keep occupied (I enjoy it there, but I work in the office, still I do do some workshop stuff).
We have coffee break from 10:30am til 11am and you can go into the canteen or mill around the work area. I do both, and bump into Steven quite frequently in both places. However, in the very recent past I have noticed him staring into my direction and I have seen him looking at me, several times now and a few times in a day, breaktime or not. The way he talks, walks and does things also suggests things. Now, I'm not stereotyping but he does walk quite differently to how you see other guys. He also sounds rather camp too (but sweet). He's lovely to a lot of people. As a team, the service users work voluntarily but get a lot back in return and so we go on trips once per month of our choosing. About twice now he has made his way to sit with me on the bus and will take any opportunity to talk to me even if it's just small talk.
I've had these feelings for about 4-5 weeks now and they're getting greater, yet I still don't know of his sexuality properly. Last week I plucked up the courage to swap phone numbers with him (I usually clam up when I'm near him) :redface:
And I've managed to call him and invite him to my house (this weekend just gone) and he was very keen and wanted to do it, but would check to see what he was doing). Lo and behold he did get back to me and told me he didn't have any money. So a couple of days later I was leaving the cinema and I texted him to see if he wanted to come see a film with me and he replied a bit later and said 'Yea to see what?' At least it was a definite yes. I don't know how to regard the whole situation and feel really stupid sometimes. :frown: I managed to tell him I was gay but I did it in a way I regret; over a text message. :redface:

I keep getting funny feelings like I'm being completely consumed and it reduces my appetite and I feel like this right now and it makes me feel all kinds of things, but most of all, tired.
Anyone got any advice please? Sorry it was such a long thread.