Marvinteck Wrote:BBC just put out a hour long documentary on the controversial subject of gay to straight conversion therapy in the USA. The California State legislature just recently passed a law that prohibits the use of conversion therapy on kids under the age 18. The documentary exposes conversion therapy for the fraud that it is. This summer Exodus International came out and said it is impossible to change a persons sexual orientation. It is heartbreaking to think people in 2012 still think that being gay is a mental disorder and that it is something that needs to be fixed. Anti-gay bigots are still using this concept as one of the arguments against marriage equality in the USA.
Here is the link to the Documentary;
I watched this program too with my fiancè and my conclusion to it was "bullshit"
Im sorry if that sounds harsh, now i will openly admit this but before i met my partner i would of actually tried this "therapy" because i sought acceptance so furiously, i wanted to be normal, i wanted to get married to a nice wife, i wanted children of my own, and keep the family legacy going.
Then i met my partner, i dated him, i tried to not fall in love with him, but it was something i couldn't stop, and to this day i say that you cannot control who you fall in love with.
What i would go up to these therapists and say, is i would like to see a hetro to homosexual session created and see if that works. So persistent that homosexuality is a condition rather than being a creation method of the all mighty, lets see if people can so easily change their sexualities through these forms of therapy.
I sit here on these forums a listen or read or watch what some people say and i am physically sickened by the arrogance and naive to what religion is truely barking in people's ears.
Religion is a scare tactic, its becoming more and more of a brain wash! I took time to study the holy books and they are all flawed because they were written and re-written by man! there is so many contradictions that people are starting to realise, hang on a moment, that doesnt sound like a supreme beings teachings.
As for hindering the human race, birth rate on planet earth as a whole is far highier than death, housing, food and general resources are running low because of this, and they want more? sense made where?
Marriage is a holy commune between two people, it is a vow of love, so why does it only have to be a man or a woman, marriage is not a form of acceptance to have children, its a declaration before god if you believe in him of your love! morons have forgotten that.
*steams starts coming out the ears*
I live in fear because of where i live, i will admit that, but i know after so many tries myself to change to liking women, that its just not possible, you can only deny it, just like denying water is wet, before long you find out the truth and have to accept the truth.
Anyways my rant is over &^.^