You work outdoors? Lucky! I work in a dance studio. I'm a dance assistant lol. Ahh- I get slapped for my Humour. I don't have a stop button. Once I'm gone, I'm gone. I have to be open minded, I can't afford to be bored!
Posts: 2,770
Threads: 17
Joined: May 2011
I'm a : Bi Man in a Monogamous Straight Relationship
Hey, welcome to the forum ^_^
Space Pirate Mr RAWR.... sounds an amazing job!!! lol
LOL! Okay, I'm a hip/hop dancer but my bff pole dances and I mocked her one day and gave it go and she actually gave me lessons lol. It was for fun and when we disagree we battle it out lol.
Your dad has a farm?! That's so cool! Animals are great. Hard work though I bet. I'd end up naming everything that looked at me lol. I could never be a farmer TT I'd suck lol.
What TV shows you like?
hip/hop woooooah your a coooool dude then ;') lol
tv programmes... hmm... well if I tell the truth my rep for being a big tough guy will be destroyed FOREVERRRR lol....
to be honest I don't watch that much... Eastenders.. Shameless.. xfactor (sorry lol) Im a celeb sooooon yayyy lol....
Hey I watch worse! Growing up with a girl as your bestest friend does NOT do you any favors lol. I have seen every My Little Pony episode. It's scary when some student gets a ponies name wrong and you automatically butt in with the correct one lol!
I love Top Gear, oh and I do watch some Anime now and then.
omg how could I miss Top Gear, my fav programme of ALLLLLL TIIIIIME
Jeremy Clarkson, adopt me pleeeeez lol
My Little Pony.. = rotflmao
Nuuu it's not funny (ToT)/~~~ it's terrible!
Top Gear is amazing. I own the entire collection on DVD lol. I have too many cars on my wish list T^T