01-27-2008, 02:34 PM
I knew there had to be somewhere on here to start this off
I've been a follower of Dr Who since "Grandfather" first set up shop in Steptoe's yard ( yikes, I must have been about 6 then, :eek: )
I passed within 2 or 3 metres of John Barrowman at last year's pride march in London and decided, even without the aid of my spectacles, that he is more gorgeous in real life than on the television.
However, some episodes of Torchwood have made me very uncomfortable and I am delighted to have met a series in sci-fi clothing that challenges me to ask questions about my attitudes and assumptions. I found last week's episode particularly thought-provoking in this respect. Not only was I required to examine my feelings about the lovely Mr Barrowman (yes, I know it's fiction and he's only playing a role!), but I felt challenged to think about the nature of the outsider, the individual who discovers something unbearable about themselves after everything should have felt settled, perhaps even something about the cost of sacrifice. In writing that, maybe I have an idea as to why I feel uncomfortable ... :frown:
Still, great series, and so different from anything else I've seen in so many ways. Long may it last.

I've been a follower of Dr Who since "Grandfather" first set up shop in Steptoe's yard ( yikes, I must have been about 6 then, :eek: )
I passed within 2 or 3 metres of John Barrowman at last year's pride march in London and decided, even without the aid of my spectacles, that he is more gorgeous in real life than on the television.
However, some episodes of Torchwood have made me very uncomfortable and I am delighted to have met a series in sci-fi clothing that challenges me to ask questions about my attitudes and assumptions. I found last week's episode particularly thought-provoking in this respect. Not only was I required to examine my feelings about the lovely Mr Barrowman (yes, I know it's fiction and he's only playing a role!), but I felt challenged to think about the nature of the outsider, the individual who discovers something unbearable about themselves after everything should have felt settled, perhaps even something about the cost of sacrifice. In writing that, maybe I have an idea as to why I feel uncomfortable ... :frown:
Still, great series, and so different from anything else I've seen in so many ways. Long may it last.