hi - I haven't been on here for a couple of months. hope you're all OK.
believe it or not, right now i'm researching a feature on public nudity. yeah, it's a tough job!
i'm talking to gay guys who either post naked photos of themselves on sites such as Gaydar, who have taken part in amateur strip contests or go to one of these increasingly popular "all nude" clubs.
with that in mind, my big question is:
has anyone ever regretted appearing naked in public?
Hey hey, welcome back !
I suppose it depends on what reason was behind their posting the naked photo/s in the first place ...
For example ... somebody just looking to hook up and posting a shot of their penis on gaydar might say it was worth it, as you're sure to garner attention of the type you're looking for that way.
Conversely, somebody that posts a nude photo on their facebook profile (is that even possible ? Might be a TOS violation - I dunno) might regret it if they put their facebook profile on their CV, and their prospective employers find it, non ?
When I used to use Gaydar, I posted a risqué shot of me naked, but covering up with my hands, and that got me quite a bit of attention (both welcome and unwelcome), but nothing ever came of it (I'm sure my b/f was more interested in my sparkling personality and charming conversation skills than my nuts  ), and so I don't regret doing it, no ...
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
yeah i put some semi-naked pics of myself up on one of my web profiles last year, when i was single & on heat.
but i felt a bit exposed so i whipped em down after about a month. i was concerned that one of my friends or workmates would accidentally see more of me than they wanted.
and i agree with you Shadow - i thought that overtly sexual pics might scare off blokes who (like me) wanted more than just a one-off encounter, as fun as that can be.
Yup - I think posting a picture of your bits online sends a PRETTY clear message that an LTR is not foremost on your mind ...  .
I love how you always come up with these interesting questions - please don't be a stranger !!
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
Prior to me coming out and therefore not postin up a facepic, I used to have the naked shots. Yes I got many a message, and plenty of profile views. But now, I think it's just to say "Hey, I want sex!".
I don't get why those that classify theirselves as 100% bottom as cock shots up!? lol... surely arse shots are whats needed!??
Anyway.. do I regret them... no. I had em up... it sparked interest, I don't have em now tho as my agenda has changed.
Mind you... my nakedness in motion is around elsewhere at mo so lol!
Nakedness in the more general public sense... I wouldn't be ashamed or regret it if I did... jeez... dozens of guys can see my cock everytime I go to the gym!
There's a time and a place for it... obviouslly... but nudity is summat I wouldn't be ashamed of.
good point wouldlikemuscle - there are times when we just want sex as soon as possible, so a naked pic sends a pretty clear signal.
then a month or so later we might be looking for someone who is a bit more romantic who wants you to work a bit harder to seduce them out of their clothes.
but if you post up naked shots when you're feeling horny, then take them down a few weeks later when you're not, do the owners of the dating sites still keep copies of your original explicit pics? that's what i'm hoping to find out from them.
I personally reckon there is nothing more attractive than someone who is happy with their body, whatever it looks like. and if people want to show it off, good luck to 'em. i'm just not sure the web is the safest place to do it...
tombishop Wrote:... do the owners of the dating sites still keep copies of your original explicit pics? that's what i'm hoping to find out from them.
I personally reckon there is nothing more attractive than someone who is happy with their body, whatever it looks like. and if people want to show it off, good luck to 'em. i'm just not sure the web is the safest place to do it...
Indeed, Tom, you may have a point there.
I would even take the question one step further: How many people will have kept your "dirty" pictures on their own computers? It's not just the site owners, you see, but maybe seas of horny sailors out there who are downloading and stocking pictures of your private parts. Maybe we are entering a whole new world where the term and idea of privacy is totally lost and devoid of meaning. It certainly seems to be the case in Great Britain now, which, I hear, is one of the most watched over counties (in terms of public cameras). I cringe at the notion that my own body may one day NOT be my own to control and take care of. I definitely still like the idea of intimacy and privacy, even though, like you Tom, I'm happy for people to show off their bodies if they are comfortable with them...
In that sense Shortbus was really interesting. Who are these actors/actresses who are ready to bare all in a non porn film and do such intimate acts for millions of other people to see? And yet, there is still so much sexual misery out there... It's baffling.
Nope, never had any naked pictures on the internet or somewhere else. Not because i have hung ups ect. but taking pictures naked or not is basically a trouble and usually makes me feel stupid. Smile dont smile look at the camera look right look left. Am i bothered to do all that, i am not. Do i regret i dont have some to show to someone i could be interested in, hmm maybe but not particularly sorry.
Since the internet and the dating sites became so popular we became over exposed in more than one ways. It reminds me somewhere near the 50's when single/widowed people were sending photos to wealthy immigrants often in Australia or the States to get married.
Now everything is quicker when we get horny there are a dozen of sites for a quick fix.
If looking for sex then naked or revealing pictures is what must have, got to show the goods to get attention. Why not, is fair enough. However non naked pictures but nicely taken and maybe just a little bit spicy to get your imagination started get an even better response whether it is for quick sex or something more.
Imo the better you look the less you need show, and if you look REALLY good then you ought to share! :tongue:
I know what you mean, Sportysocks.. I've been investigating the photography sites and I've found a few that are really really engaging. One man I found yesterday just does portraits but what portraits!!! They're stunning. I'm sure he'd make an ugly monkey look good. It IS an art.
it's really interesting that you mentioned Shortbus, princealbertofb
i was keen to see the film & surprised that so many actors had been persuaded to get naked & have sex on camera. but I've not seen any of them appear in anything since
i know the film was partially improvised, so maybe the actors ended up going further than they originally planned. perhaps they regret it. but the movie is out on DVD so no-one will ever let them forget it!
i just like the fact that if you sleep with someone & maybe regret it the next day, it's just a vague memory in the hungover minds of the two of you. no-one else really knows what went on, so you can usually laugh it off.
but if you momentarily do something explicit on film or on the web, or drunkenly take part in a strip night when some stranger is filming you on his mobile phone, it could come back & haunt you when you least expect it.
(hastily exits to check his gaydar profile pics...)