01-28-2008, 10:04 PM
tombishop Wrote:it's really interesting that you mentioned Shortbus, princealbertofb
i was keen to see the film & surprised that so many actors had been persuaded to get naked & have sex on camera. but I've not seen any of them appear in anything since
i know the film was partially improvised, so maybe the actors ended up going further than they originally planned. perhaps they regret it. but the movie is out on DVD so no-one will ever let them forget it!
(hastily exits to check his gaydar profile pics...)
Hahaha. You're right. But Shortbus is a work of art or at least a statement of some kind and although the sex is very graphic in parts, it all seems to be very natural, therefore not gross or pornographic, if you see what I mean. Plus they are all young and beautiful, and even the old mayor is beautiful in his own way.
Incidentally, I've deliberately been refraining from watching the whole film as I was keeping it to watch with my darling when he comes back, but I was too curious & had to catch a few scenes. I thought it was thought-provoking and certainly "emotionally intelligent" as one young actress said in Ae Fond Kiss. [Thanks, Ken, for making emotionally intelligent films!]
I am surely not the only one to find sex beautiful and normal when it is expressed naturally.
And btw, I checked up on the actors of this cinematic UFO, and you're right; they don't seem to have done anything else much since then. Maybe it'll take a while for people to adjust to the fact that they've done this film. It took Linda Lovelace some time before she was allowed to forget she'd deepthroated in front of the camera.
In the same vein, if any of you have seen films by French film-maker Catherine Breillat, they will have witnessed straight porn star Rocco doing his thing in a mainstream movie, and it looks quite different, sort of awesome and strangely beautiful (not to say disturbing: it's the emotional stuff going on around the sex scenes, you see). Funnily enough his female partner, who was doing the scenes full-frontally too but is not from the porn scene was definitely putting herself out on the judgement line. Many actresses wouldn't have done it; she could so easily have met disapproval(she didn't meet mine,