I think that its okay in moderation, yet I kind of feel like once you have seen one kind you have seen it all and that its not as interesting as it used to be. I tend to visit X-Tube and places like that to see amateur and other videos because those are rather interesting.
well ya'll certainly don't shy away from controversial topics....
I will throw my hat in the ring....
if a guy ejaculates, it tends to stop the overriding male insinct to ejaculate
I may just be speaking for myself as a horndog
but I don't see it as a bad thing
Are we defining moderation as, "Once a year", "Once a month", "Once a week", "Once a day", or "Every possible opportunity"? The latter seems pretty tame, imo...
It would be silly to forbid pornography, but even on a moral plane I don't really mind it. There's plenty of degrading (and in my opinion downright disturbing) porn, but even so, as long as it's between adults and not a depiction of anything illegal, I don't see the need to complain. There are a few cons (lots of people grow up with unnatural expectations) but if people just talked about it more openly that wouldn't be a problem.
Kind of amuses me how most people support the legal position of pornography whilst raising their brows when you bring up the topic of prostitution... but that's a discussion for another day! ^_^
IT'S AWESOME:biggrin::muscle-flexing-smil
Porn is hot as long as the persons involved are not forced to do it... And of course in the legal age to do so. I am not for Child Pornography.
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when i feel bored and have nothing else to do i watch it
sometimes i wonder are all the people in gay porns are gay in real life