Finally a fellow African on gayspeak!Hope you are doing OK up there.My name is Daniel & I'm from South Africa.*waves*Your country has always fascinated me & I've always been intrigued by the idea of the Middle East in Africa thing you've got going there.How has the civil war affected your life?Is Darfur really bad as they say it is on the news?What is your country's take on homosexuality,is it still a crime punishable by death?How is the gay scene there,as in clubs,gyms etc?You seem like an outspoken character,are you Muslim?It's funny that we're on the same continent but seemingly worlds apart.Sorry for the many questions,just curious!If you are offended,that was not my intention.Hope that your country will find peace with itself.
Yes this young man gives a good impression of Sudan. EXCELLENT English. Very educated and charming with it.  mile:
hi Daniel , i am fine , thank u
nothing offending in your questions
in Sudan there r many ethnic and cultural groups , in the north & centre there is Arab & ancient Nubian ethnic mix , language is Arabic , u know in arabic speaking countries each country has its own slang which is different from the formal Arabic and from other slangs in other countries , to the extent that i cant for example understand even a single sentence from morocco unless it is written , but i can understand Saudi and Egyptian and the vice is versa ... , northern Sudanese r not ( Arabs ) , they r mixture and they look like Ethiopians ...
in the far north some tribes speak Nubian languages beside Arabic , and the large cities in the north and centre include people from all ethnic groups but the language is mainly Arabic
culture in the northern Sudan includes Nubian components ( wedding ceremonies , .. etc ) and Arabic components ( mainly language and religion) , although religious ceremonies here comprise practices that obviously don't belong to fundamental Islam ..
i myself belong to the northern Sudanese
the eastern Sudan , the ethnic scene also includes Bija , they also look slightly different from northerners , but they have their own language and culture
in the west including Darfur is more rural , and there r more black tribes which r ethnically and culturally similar to Muslim west Africa , they have their own languages but most of them can speak Arabic , and r mainly farmers . the other group are more Arab and they r cowherds.
the southerners r Nilotic tribes , mainly Christian and pagan , but also few Muslims
since independence from UK in 1956 , Sudan never have political stability , the civil war between south and north started in 1955 , more flaming in 1983 ... till it is ended in 2005
1956 - 1958 , parliamentary democracy
1958 - 1964 , military dictatorship
1964 - 1969 , par , democracy
1969 - 1985 , military dictatorship
1985 - 1989 , par , democracy
1989 - ...... military Islamic dictatorship
there was always transient racial tension in some parts of sudan , particularly between north and south , and between ( arabic ) and black tribes of darfur , but the Sudanese government fostered racial , religious and cultural intolerance to a far extent ..
putting in mind that this government is not elected , and generaly not accepted by most Sudanese , opposition took form of armed rebels in the more poor parts of Sudan.. like darfur
the government response is very aggressive, targeting both militants and civilians , and recruited some ( arabic ) gangs in the region , and employed racial propaganda
yes , there is a bad situation there , but the western media dealing with the subject give a false impression that northern sudanese r supporting the government , which is not true , they may be less informed or mainly indifferent but r not supporting the gov . they have enough other troubles with it
the north and centre is not badly affected with wars like the south and darfur , no security threats , and less poverty . but there is political oppression
to be continued
about homosexuality ...
ya in the Sudanese criminal code ( sodomy ) can be punished by death , but till now no body is executed for being gay , but if police caught you, you may be imprisoned or lashed
the Sudanese community is a conservative community , but in its own way , the culture is ( masculine ) , and men can practice sex with ( prostitutes ) , without being strongly condemned , but if a girl have sex without marriage it is a stigma .. but in the recent years the community became more liberal especially in the cities , and accept the scene of a girl and boy together in public place for example .. and many girls now have boyfriends although secretly , and generaly younger generations are more open minded
i cant say generalizations about the gay scene .. but the general rule is that homosexuality is STRONGLY condemned , and out gays r scorned
here the popular culture make sharp line between Tops and Bottoms , those who are or who pretend that they r 100 % tops ( mainly bi ) are generally not scorned specially by younger generations .. furthermore i think about 40 % of Sudanese in cities have experienced some sort of homosexual experience specially during adolescence
most gays here r not out , and have secret lives , based on casual sex , and the less common long term relations r mainly masked and presented to our curious community as a common friendship..
here u can notice an obscure gay scene in clubs, gym , but not that obvious , here gays knows each other by common friends or in the secondary school and from the neighborhood..
u cant imagine how is that possible unless u can assimilate the nature of our community , which is based on extended relations : relatives , neighbors, long list of friends ... and also curiosity and tattling
very very few use internet dating , like me , coz i don't have the courage to risk trying other ways ..
the worst thing of being gay is not the police , but if it is known by ur family or friends and the community u will face a bad situation , and u will be forever a subject for mockery , and u may be disowned by ur family ... Sudanese people r polite, they don't say bad thing directly to you , but will intone , ... and physical assault against known gays is extremely rare ... and if u r not camp u may even be lucky and don't lose ur str8 friends .. but that don't mean they r gay friendly
the gayness is known in sudan , and dirty jokes of sudanese r full of homosexual items , and there r small cities and towns in sudan known for their gays r more out and there r many places in khartoum known as places for gays meeting .. though not that obvious
i am not religious in the traditional sense , and i have my own beliefs , which r mainly hopes and uncertainty , but i appraise most religious beliefs and i think every religion has its bright side and the other expired side
ya it is funny we r in the same continent , and modern south Africa should be the ideal for the rest of the continent , and hope u south Africans succeed in ur battle against HIV ...
there is more fun here , i think u know Herbert Kitchener , or lord Kitchener of Khartoum , he is the commander of the invading British armies to Sudan in 1898 , after he complete his mission in Sudan he is missioned to command the British armies in Boer war in south Africa
then he was the state secretary for war during the WW 1
some people say that Kitchener was Gay !
i hope that was not boring ! i,ve tried to summerize yet give clear image
wooooooooh , i am tired now my friend  mile:
Engima ....thank u for ur kind words
Wow,sudanese,I now get what this whole civil war thing is about,thanks for clearing that up!And again best regards to your country.*sigh* One thing I despise about southern Africa is the plague of HIV/AIDS.I don't fucking get it,our govt has done more than enough in educating the people yet they still have unprotected sex.I'm glad that SAns at least don't see it as a "gay/black disease.What is your opinion about us South Africans anyway?Most of my foreign African friends say that we're cocky,arrogant,know-it-all bastards!And you perception of South Africa?I used to live nextdoor to a Sudanese lady in my previous living complex,she had a lovely accent but was always covered up. Enigma Wrote:EXELLENT English. You know,we do speak English here in Africa!And it's a mother tongue for some of us.
Dan1089 Wrote:You know,we do speak English here in Africa!And it's a mother tongue for some of us.
Yes of course I know that. My point was that for a person who's native tongue is not English he does it better than some of the yobs you see in English schools.
hi again
i cant give u an opinion about SAns coz most my informations about SA are political and historical ..
i know south Africa is still healing its political and social wound of the apartheid , and i hope they succeed in that ...
media mention south africa when the issue is elections or crime or AIDS , i know this cant be the true image of a whole country ...
i haven't met SAn before , so i cant give an opinion , but i am sure there r a lot of nice people like u  mile:, may u give me a brief in depth , real view ?
south africa is one of the countries i wish to see in the undetermined future
Engima , thanx again , i am still improving my language and building up my vocab. and grammar , so do me a favour , tell our friends in this forum not to teach me wrong things  ,
as i am a passive receiver now
i mean language :biggrin:
sudanese Wrote:hi again ...
Engima , thanx again , i am still improving my language and building up my vocab. and grammar , so do me a favour , tell our friends in this forum not to teach me wrong things ,
as i am a passive receiver now
i mean language :biggrin:
Agreed, Sudanese, we'll try not to teach you wrong things. But expect to learn about British (English) humour... Lol.
LOL,trust me sudanese,no one does humour better than the Brits!What can I tell you about SA?*scratches head* Well,like the US has states,here we have provinces,9 to be exact.Namely the coastal provinces : Western Cape (where I'm at),Eastern Cape & KwaZulu Natal.Then the inland provinces : Limpompo,Free State,Gauteng,North West,Northern Cape.Although there are many nationalities thus many languages here in SA,there are 11 official languages : English,Zulu,Xhosa,Tswane,Sotho,Pedi,Venda,Afrikaans,Ndebele etc.Honest to God,I've forgotten the others!Race-wise,I'd say the population is about 60% black,20% white,10% "coloured" (that's me!),10% Asian.Our national anthem is "Nkosi Sikelela iAfrika" meaning God Bless Africa & is sung in 4 different languages.Our most famous citizens have to be Nelson Mandela,Desmond Tutu and Charlize Theron.The temperature is always warm & sunny,and I especially cherish the sunsets here in Cape Town.The economy is thriving and with the help of the 2010 World Cup,will indeed grow.Because of apartheid,white people still control & benefit greatly from the economy but now young people of colour are changing that.Oh,we have the biggest city in Africa,Johannesburg & the biggest airport in Africa,O.R Tambo International and the biggest mall in Africa,Menlyn Park.Yeah,had to brag a bit!There are 4 national terrestial TV broadcasters but people find that choice limited and we have satelite dishes inorder to receive BBC Prime,BBC World etc.SA is a sports-mad country,the biggest sports being soccer,rugby & cricket.We get along famously with Australians,not so much with Americans.That's all that I can think ATM!If you've got a question,feel free to ask. :-)
Plus we're the most gay-friendly country in Africa!sudanese,you should really come visit us here in the near-future!