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shadow Wrote:To be honest I think this thread should be locked so as to prevent it spiralling further into chaos !

Since my initial post on this thread I have been watching it unfold with, initially interest, then concern, and then a mixture of sadness and shock to be honest ... and whilst I was not going to comment further, I think that at this point it might be warranted.

Enigma, I can see what you're trying to say, and I do believe that, from your perspective, you are trying to give what you believe to be heartfelt advice to our younger users, but what originally started as a rant about the standard of spelling today has picked up speed and propelled you into a position where you've said a few things in a manner which has, quite obviously, ruffled more than just a few feathers.

My advice to you is therefore to perhaps try and consider how people are going to take what you're saying before you actually say it, as even meaning well can hurt people if you present it in the wrong manner ...

I'm reasonably confident that you're not actually suggesting that any of our younger forum-users haven't put in the time or effort with any exams they have sat, are in the process of sitting or will be sitting (shortly or further off into the future), or that their course-choices are inappropriate, or that they don't deserve as good a shot at finding prosperity and reward professionally as well as personally, but, when you say things like (and I quote) (all emphasis is mine) :-

Then, whilst I'm sure you're trying to help people out, the manner in which you present your advice to them is doomed to p!ss them off ... and then by saying that wasn't your intention to upset anybody whilst simultaneously digging yourself in on this whole "exams are easier now than they were back in the day" issue, you're really walking down a dangerous path I fear as, to anybody that's recently experienced, or is currently experiencing the INCREDIBLE amounts of stress that exams can bring, your words are really quite doom 'n gloom, in that the message (which, as I say, I'm sure you wouldn't have intended to send) is that "Regardless of how hard you try, and how well or poorly you perform, the exams you're sitting are easier now than they've been before, AND it doesn't matter because nobody's going to want to employ you unless you can spell ANYWAY", which is ... I feel certainly, not a very positive or encouraging message to give to anybody, let alone people that might need picking up a bit ...

I personally wouldn't have a CLUE whether exams are easier, harder, or the same now as when I sat them, as so much time has passed since I sat my a-levels, I can barely recall the questions, let alone how stressed out I was at having to go through with them (I just remember that I was), but I do know from speaking with many of the lads around here (and elsewhere) that have been sitting exams just how much of a ballache it still is, and how much that little bit of encouragement means to them when they are facing what can, at times, seem like quite a mountainous struggle.

So I fear that, albeit unintentionally, you've actually kinda gunned down a lot of their hopes with your comments, so that's something I think you might want to consider.

I can still recall having lessons in how to do a CV whilst I was at school, because contrary to what your sources indicate, I myself have actively scrutinised and interviewed people for my department at work, and I always go through their CV's to see what their qualifications are, their background, their interests and so on ... so whilst I'm sure in some fields aptitude tests and similar are very valuable, I never bother with them - just send me to your CV and I'll decide whether I want to interview you ...

... and I'm sure I'm not the only one ...

If the young are led to believe that their best efforts are of lesser meaning because no matter how hard they try, they'll never match those that have gone before, what incentive does that give them to try at all ? And as Wouldlikemuscle and Twazzle have both said, if they then DON'T perform as well as they'd have liked, how then are they to feel ? Like dirt basically ... :frown:. That's not a message I'm happy sending them.

It's actually quite amusing to me that your thread began with you citing the poor quality of people's spelling these days, and has subsequently blossomed into a wonderful example of how it isn't just the spelling that appears to represent a bit of a gap between the generations ...

One thing that does remain true, however, is that the young do look to the old from time to time for guidance and counsel, so your position is one you should perhaps consider with care.

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!

Now THIS I understand. The trouble with me is that I don't have the education the young today have and cannot express myself in words as I want to. As you say my forthrightmess DOES piss people off and makes me seem an opinionated old git. That is also true. I AM opinionated but I definitely don't mean to cause offence by my statements. I love a good debate but this has gone beyond that.

So last but not least I APOLOGISE UNRESERVEDLY TO ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY WHO WAS OFFENDED BY MY COMMENTS. Yes I am an old man and the world seems to be going mad today to my mind but in the long run you are the ones that will have to live in it after I am gone. I wish you well. In your old age you too will look back and have similar views.

'nough said....lock the thread. Cry

Hyde Wrote:How does 'dude' show disrespect? *confused*

Also, I don't respect nor like Enigma, I'm not going to say I do like him, when I don't. However, 'Dude' doesn't show any disrespect in my opinion. If so, then I bully my friends on a daily basis.

"Dude" is not disrespectful. Call me anything [and you probably do] I don't ask to be liked either. That is up to the individual.

saltybeanz Wrote:Enigma mate, its not your place to "warn" people. So dont.

To be fair ive not turned up to an interview and been turned down. So thats a pile of crap. :l. All these "acedemic" sources. Are any of them you? No. Its funny how on most university courses over 85% walk into a high powered job as soon as the course is completed.

Not to be funny at all but people like you do ruin the younger generation by saying "exams are easier" blah blah. And mickey mouse degrees?! I think you'll find all the degrees going have some reason behind them, and to me none are "mickey mouse".

Times change, we dont all write on pieces of slate with chalk anymore. New jobs have been made available. New qualifications are needed. Back in your day it was completely different, and to get a job would be easier, simply as you didnt have such high competition.

We may get degrees but to get the job its soo hard. The levels that people are gaining are extremely high.

This whole thread, what your saying is BS. You havent backed up one argument efficiently. You've seen the reaction off students, and mike which has recently passed, but still doing courses. How can you sit there and slate us all?

Well mr high and mighty, I dont think you've any university experience? How can you even comment. "Students don't study as much as they used to". What the hell is that?! Did you not hear hyde, staying to 6pm then I bet does alot more at home, I work until 2am quite alot of the nights.

Do you not understand uni? Fail one module, you get one chance to resit, before you start they take 30% off. So you cant gain full marks, fail it again you lose your place.

Sixth form. If I failed one exam, its over kicked out.

Enigma how do you think sites like this are made? Computer technology is improved? Oh lets see.. Do the youth have a big impact? Oh yes they do, the ones which cant spell.

How dare you even comment on the exams. Not being funny but your nobody of importance to that field. If exams are so easy, why dont the older generation stop complaining about hating their lives and go and redo exams?!

Uhh Enigma theres so much I want to say to you, but I wont. You've completely changed how I see you for one. If we are all so stupid, still failing our easier exams, why do you seek out to befriend us? Surely someone as interlectual as you doesnt want to waste his amazing mind on us.

Enigma before you reply again slating OUR achievements please stop and think. I mean if I personally was so dumb, only passing because exams are easier, how come Im clever enough to realise to stay away from men like you?

You actually make me feel sick. Students these day work as hard as they can to earn what they get. How dare you try to taint that. It sounds to me someone is bitter that they didnt get the chance we have, and jealous of what is being achieved, in that line of thought I advice you not to continue slating exams mate.

Get over it. Students work as hard as they can, and dont need old men like you blowing their confidence.

Not bitter at all. Just in despair for the young. The old control what you can/can't do and they can make/break anyone. [unfortunately]

Enigma Wrote:"Dude" is not disrespectful. Call me anything [and you probably do] I don't ask to be liked either. That is up to the individual.

You're right, "Dude" is not disrespectful, per se, but it is slang and it was the tone and context that were slightly OTT ("what the hell!" ...) , to my mind. Maybe I'm just old fashioned. Now that's another kettle of fish.
I'm not saying he should call you "Sir", as the Internet has made communities closer and more likely to talk to each other on first-name terms, or first-handle terms. But words do have a meaning and it's settling on the meaning we put behind them that can sometimes cause friction, at times unnecessarily. That's what I was trying to put across. Words mean something. They convey both ideas and the way the person using them views their interlocutors or readership. That's why we have to be careful about the words we use.

To be honest enigma, we make or break ourselves. What I want to achieve I will get, whether older people like it or not. We set our pathways not you =]
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more.

saltybeanz Wrote:To be honest enigma, we make or break ourselves. What I want to achieve I will get, whether older people like it or not. We set our pathways not you =]

Don't be so sure SB. Many a person has fallen by the wayside because they won't kowtow to authority and a good thing too. People must abide by lifes rules not their own. Never mind, the time is coming when authority will reassert itself then all you undiscipled youngsters will HAVE to do as you are told,. None too soon either.

Quote:Don't be so sure SB. Many a person has fallen by the wayside because they won't kowtow to authority and a good thing too. People must abide by lifes rules not their own. Never mind, the time is coming when authority will reassert itself then all you undiscipled youngsters will HAVE to do as you are told,. None too soon either.

Ok, I don't know about anybody else, but I think this has gone on long enough. This entire debacle began because you kicked off about the quality of people's spelling, which upset people.

Then you proceeded to have a go about the standard of exams these days, and how they're easier now than in the past (an observation I consider to be groundless).

Then people got, in my eyes justifiably upset about the manner in which you came across to them, and (ok, sometimes rather heatedly) put it to you that you were wrong.

And now, when it's all quietening down, you brand them undisciplined, simply because they want to make their own path rather than tow the line of a system that is FAR from perfect ??

I'd far rather try and make my own way and fail TRYING, than live a life where I simply carried on and kept my head down ... what kinda life is that !?!?!

Quote:People must abide by lifes rules not their own.

Life teaches us that we must follow our own path. To do so doesn't mean you're going to become some kind of anarchic rebel, or victimise other people, nor that you're going to sponge off the state ... merely that you've got the backbone to follow your own way, and make the best of life you can, YOUR way.

Quote:the time is coming when authority will reassert itself then all you undiscipled youngsters will HAVE to do as you are told,. None too soon either.

What the hell does THAT mean ??? It's almost a threat !! In fact, no ... IT IS A THREAT ...

Whilst I've been courteous and polite up until now, EVEN I find that last comment offensive.

The younger users weren't randomly attacking you - they were defending themselves from what THEY perceived as your attacking them, the standard of their education, the quality of their achievements, and I can see why they felt put out.

If you feel they are being immature, or not listening to what you're saying, then surely YOUR best option is to be MORE mature and to demonstrate how you can take it on the chin, straighten out any misunderstandings, and everybody can then get on hopefully still as friends from then on ... not to wag your finger at them and keep telling them they'll see because you're right and they're just in denial, as that smacks of sour grapes ...

Anyhow - I think we should all just rule off this issue and move on, before it becomes any more personal, as even I'M finding it hard to remain impartial, and that's something I generally pride myself on !!

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!

Enigma Wrote:Never mind, the time is coming when authority will reassert itself then all you undiscipled youngsters will HAVE to do as you are told,. None too soon either.

What is that meant to mean? Im sure that will come as soon as they manage to deal with other problems, such as murder, rape, paedophilia, terrorism, all the important things you know?

How did this come from spelling? Enigma you complain about people not accepting you, how you wish to close the gap, this whole post makes me not even want to notice you. To me in this post you've widened the gap between "us youngsters" and you more than I ever imagined you would.

Times have changed and for me I view mainly for the better, yes there is youth crime, but hasnt there always? What about the older generation, lately theres been so much damage by them. Just because they are stuck in their ways.

Enigma any friendship you had with me has completely gone. Before this happens with others please think before you speak. You come across as an arrogant, childish, unfair old man.

Cant you accept that students these days work their ass of to get the grades? Maybe people saying exams are easier are wrong?

The fact you keep trying to back up an argument which to me has no substance as you have no footing into the educational department, and unwilling to accept we do put in the work is rather childish.

Enigma we accepted you and your faults. Yet you come out with all this crap? FYI, Ive never really been in any trouble, and neither has alot of my mates. Stop bagging every teenager into one bag. Do we do that to you? No because id end up throwing you all off a pier. x.O

Give up while you still can, offended most members and fighting a lost battle.
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more.

i don't know your rules of conversation ...

but don't you think this thread need not to be heated and personal


Sudanese I couldn't agree with you more Confusedmile:.

That's why I keep saying I think we should all just drop it before it gets any WORSE !!


!?!?! Shadow !?!?!

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