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Hi Everyone - Sorry about my absence.
Hi Everyone

It's nice to be back home after being hurt by two insincere guys ( Not at the same time though)
The first guy used me and he turned out to be a scam artist, And the second guy who lived in Russia got angry because I didn't give him £1600 to come over to the UK to meet me.
I really can't believe what has happened to me and I am devastated and hurt by two men who just didn't care about my feelings.
I like to think that I am a nice guy who does have a heart of gold and being hurt by these two worthless people has left me thinking if there really are sincere guys out there !
I have come back here and already it feels like home, maybe the third person will have a better heart than the previous two scum bags.
So I have come to lick my wounds and mend my broken heart, and life goes on so I will have to continue my hunt for that special guy.
I just needed to get that off my chest and I can already feel the love now that I am back on Gayspeak :-)

If you'd given the Russian the money I'm certain you'd have never met him anyway, so better him being mad than laughing at you. IOW, I think it's safe to say both the guys were scam artists.

And there are plenty of sincere guys out there. What worries me is that you met 2 scam artists in a row. Maybe that's just bad luck, or maybe you're doing something to attract them as some people do.

But anyway, sorry you've had a bad time as of late.

It is said it is better to have a heart that gets broken than one not used at all. Remybussi
Heart  Life's too short to miss an opportunity to show your love and affection!  Heart

welcome back. i actually just got back today myself. i was hurt ALOT myself as i was thrown a way like a bag of trash. you saying those 2 guys didnt care about your feelings? try having a whole family and tons of friends not caring about you and lying the whole friendship to you? acting like they cared but in reality no body gives a shit about a good persons feelings. trust me. keep your head held high.

...there really IS strength in numbers.

let's stick together.
Heart  Life's too short to miss an opportunity to show your love and affection!  Heart

Welcome back. Sorry to hear about your bad experiences. Bighug

Gavjg, I can't imagine how hurt you are right now due to those two. But please don't be disheartened because there are still a lot of wonderful sincere guys out there. As evidence, Gayspeak members. Karma will get those two idiots that hurt you.

But anyway it will take time to find the right man. Good things happen to good people.

Welcome back to Gayspeak.

Welcome back, even if its under such circumstances Knuddel

I think what you have experienced is more widespread than people say, so in one respect your quite brave to share this with everyone.

My best advice is pick yourself up, dust yourself down and get back on the dating horseShakin
Not everyone out there is looking to exploit people, make a fast buck (pound, Yen, Lira etc) and destroy peoples emotions in the process. That you have had two instances, almost back to back may not be a coincidence. Have you joined any new dating websites recently??

Maybe you can share a little detail about how you got suckered in, and that can serve as the warning signs to other people who may find themselves in a similar situation.



Thank you to all of you who have replied so far, You are a lovely bunch of people.
I would like to share what happened to me, in the hope that this might help other people from getting scammed.
Both men I had met on Match.com (At different times, As I believe in monogamy).

The first person lived in London, But he was in France because his mothers property had been seized a number of years ago and he had a cheque for 500,000 Euro which was the money returned from his mothers estate.
But in order to cash this cheque he had to get a clearance certificate which cost £2000 and he asked me for this money, and because the cheque would be money for our future I lent him this and paid it in a Lloyds TSB Bank in cash for him so that he could get the clearance certificate, come home and we could meet and go from there.
The money which I lent him was given to me by my father for my future when he dies so as I though I was going to get this back and it was for our future I stupidly went ahead and gave the money.
But then the next day he said that he needed £28,505 as this was needed to be paid by the security company in order to sign the clearance certificate which he now had, And then the alarm bells started ringing as certain things up to that point didn't ring true and then to be asked for that huge amount of money which I didn't have anyway was a smack in the face for me.
I had spoken to him on the phone lots of times and when you think you are in love you are not thinking straight and I think it was this emotion which he played on in order to carry out his evil scam.
People were telling me before I sent the initial £2000 it was a scam but as I thought that someone loved me this seem to go over my head and I gave my so called lover the money.
I could go on for ages but in the end I contacted the police as things were really telling me now that I had been scammed, And the police came round to see me but I haven't heard anything from them which I thought that I wouldn't anyway.
He had sent me the cheque to keep as proof for 500,000 Euro, and this was when things really sank in as it had a Royal Mail post mark on and it was meant to have been posted in France !!!!!
Also when I look into this in more detail him mobile phone number started with +44 which is a code used for mobiles within the UK !!!!
He said he gave it to someone to post for me and they said that they posted it when they arrived back in the UK, and the stupid thing is that I was always aware of different tricks and scams that people used but I just didn't see it before it was too late and I had parted with £2000.
In the end I told him that he was a scam artist and what I thought of him but of course he totally denied it and also when I listened to his voice which was left on my answerphone he sounded more of a nigerian accent rather than a French one.
Even when I told him what I thought of him and that I had notified the police, He still tried to ask for more money and it was at that point that I told him to ***k off and that was the last I heard from him.

My second encounter was a guy from Russia and again I had all the usual love emails and we got on really well and he said that he wanted to come over and visit me, Spend Christmas and the New year with me and stay for a while.
This was great news and I did phone him in Russia (This time it was certainly a call to Russia because I checked the number).
He said that he did have some savings, so I said that if he could sort out the flights and stuff, I would pay for somewhere for us to stay as I live with my father who is 83.
He said that he didn't know how much the total cost would be at his end, so if he didn't have enough money would I pay the difference towards it and I said to him it depended on how much this was and could he find out and email me.
When he emailed me the following day he said that the total cost would be £1600 and I just didn't have this money and as I had already been scammed prevously I told him that I didn't have that sort of money.
My email to him was really nice and I said that it's not fair that two people who like each other so much cannot be together at present because the cost involved and the distance between us.
His email reply was nasty and he told me that I had let him down and he was dissapointed with me and various things he did say to me and this hurt again was like a knife being put inside my chest.
It was at this point that I ended it between us and I am so glad I didn't give him any money this time as I wasn't going to fall for this twice.

Being hurt on two different occasions has been very hard for me to deal with and it must be that I am a caring guy who trusts people and this was my downfull.
I feel so stupid because I knew about not giving any money to people but when you feel you are in love and it's your future, then this just seemed to put any doubts to the back of my mind and I have lost that money now and that's it.
Even though it's still hard for me to ignore what has happened, I am trying to continue my hunt for someone special and not let those scam artists stop me. I hope that in someway this helps other people from being sucked into a pack of lies and broken dreams.


I wanted to add that I just may of been very unlucky or a magnet for these evil and cruel people, But don't let that put you off and as long as you stay safe and just be very careful then you should be fine.
That goodness there is a place like Gayspeak for us to air our experiences and views to help other people.


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