Date...I'll most likely be doing the same...but then again, who'll be cooking diner?
I don't mind if you have pet, but I'm often too busy and tired to be a proper pet person, so if you have a pet, it's your responsibility (I'll be happy to provide money for food, vets and stuff though)
Date - That's fine, I'd like a dog someday and i know how to look after them as i grew up with them and can take them out for hours in the woods, dogs with me are always very well behaved, you would end up loving them anyway :
D/h - If you had bad breath I'd tell you
Date. I would be grateful so I could fix it.
I have created some basic computer games using my knowledge I got from school. D/H
DATE! I don't really care much about games but I would so put you up to win money from it..hehe
I tend to be not so delicate in pointing out the things that bother me about you (I do expect the same in return).
Date. It is good to be honest and get things out in the open otherwise it because built up and can cause a lot of problems.
I can't sit still for to long. If I am on my computer for more than 30 minutes I have to get up and walk around my house then sit back down. D/H?
Date...I will buy a leash and walk you myself...
I have aggravating issues with my father and I may try to keep you away from my family because of it...
I get depressed on my birthdays too...we can be mellow together 2 times a year..yay!
I f****** hate to death sports hardcore fanatics (not sport enthusiasts, rather, people who feel the constant need to yell at the TV during a match)
Date. I've had enough of dating sports fans. It gets really old.
Sometimes on my days off (like today) I lay around all damn day long and hardly go out. I did take my dog for a walk at least, but that's about it. Date or hate?