I toss and turn a lot too and have been told I talk, laugh and scream while sleeping...you and me will be having some seriously hardcore dance parties in our bed...and then will be waking up with several unexplainable bruises...
When I'm upset I tend to go randomly walking a few miles in silence...I love company but probably won't say a word for an hour....
Nor do I. I f****** hate team sports...and people who yell at the TV watching a match...so, you get it...
I'm seriously into watching history documentaries....so much that I'm all about what happened years ago and give a s**t about what's happening right now...
(Maybe if US finally strikes Syria, and then Russia mobilizes, I'll care...you know, potencial WWIII scenarios do interest me)
There HAS TO BE consequences for shit like that or the next dictator will start another genocide program
I'm all for world government... Kick all these crappy little dictators and currupt leaders like our's out on thir well padded butts and have some real governance
Date....lets make a good old fashioned death march for all petty dictators, sheiks, whatever throughout the Sahara..."If you get out alive, we'll let you keep your country" and right wing extremists too...like those in Hungary that are starting to worship Miklós Horthy...how long before Hitler is cool again?
I for one I'm all about Assad ending up like Gaddafi...the people giving him in return what he gave to the people, with a little outside help. Intervention is looooong overdue...
However I'm particularly reticent about US conducting the whole matter, in the last 10 years US government meddling in the Middle East/Nearer Far East has proven a worse remedy than the disease, Libya being the sole exception.
If US was going to strike anyway, Why the f*** take so long?...they have already by-passed UN jurisdiction to conduct unilateral military actions in the past, why not now?
Anyway....I would rather visit Beograd over Wien, Praha over Paris and București over Roma...