Oh cool, I will sing with you - that will cure you of this habit real quick.
Think a couple of cats in a concrete mixer - that is how well I carry a tune.
I have a wonderful singing voice (see above). hate or date?
Fucking date times a million. You can sing on me next album cuz me new songs require singing...
Hell get the banshee to do a duet with you.
I need a lyricist. d/h
D....Happens to me too.....and besides, I would just lie next to you watching...like the psychopath I am...
yeah...I have pshychopath potential...
Date. I think a lot of us have pshychopath potential.
As most of you know I like to hug. I think hugs are the greatest but I respect those who do not like to be hugged. So I usally ask before I hug someone. D/H
My best kept secrets...1.- I like hugs 2.- I'm gay..yeah, in that order...
I act like I'm a cold distant person but I'm a sucker for hugs...
Date cause you're respectful enough to ask first...
I don't get sick ver often but I'm not so nice when I do...
Date... Sooner or later you will get sick and I will take care of you.
I can't dance. Hate or date?
Date. I can't dance either.
I get really bad migraines every once in awhile and need to stay in complete darkness with a warm towel over my head and I get very sick. D/H