I tend to want to pet dangerous critters - aw that bear looks so huggable, rabid you say, nah he just needs a hug. I don't cry anywhere except in the shower - Yes there have been days where I have taken many showers, or very long ones until the water ran cold.
I dislike large houses, I prefer a small cosy cottage over a Mc Mansion.
Date - as I say K.I.S.S. (keep it simple, stupid) and a mansion is definitely not a simple house.
I don't but "fun" gifts for people. I either give them cash, a gift card, or something I know they can use. Good things, just not things that are strictly for fun.
Date, I find that people who have a low tolerance for betrayal will often not easily betray another.
I wake up with music in my head every morning, for instance this morning it was Hello My Baby (Most commonly known by this generation by a singing and dancing frog).
The problem with this is I often hum or even sing (poorly) whatever song I woke up with.
Have to go with hate - around here it gets very humid and taking 20 showers a day isn't practical plus they have natural deodorant that has no smell at all.
I do not have a drip coffee maker, I have a French press and, an old stove top peculator so, you'll have to learn to make coffee with them. Depending on the variety as to which coffee maker it goes in.
Date. I prefer percced coffee. I have a percolator (stove top) that has served me well for nearly 3 decades, There is a coffee maker in the house my ex/roommate refuses to have decently percced and boiled coffee. Over the years there have been about a dozen coffeemakers come, get used for a while then they stopped working. My Percolator has worked steadily for all of that time.
I get absorbed in activities. For instance I read War and Peace from cover to cover in one sitting, only taking a potty break (I took the book with me) and a few breaks for drinks. I get a new computer game and I will play it obsessively...