DATE. definitely date
when i'm drunk , i get really stupid ~
date dont we all
i crack my knuckles
Date, as long as you don't want to crack mine!
I don't sleep well - date or hate?
Date , there are night that I wake up and stay up.
I much prefer to rough it than live in luxury .
Date or hate?
Date - I wouldn't mind a little luxury occasionally but, apart from that, I'm pretty rough! :biggrin:
I only shave when my beard starts to annoy me - date or hate?
Date- I only shave every third day.
I don't eat any seafood - date or hate?
date . i'm a vegan ~
i have very little body hair , and the stuff i do have i get waxed off anyway
hate or date ??
I dont like to go clubbing.
Date or hate
date , i'm not a huge fan of it either ~
i like to have house parties .
(as in , lots of mine and my housemate's friends come over and we all get really drunk . happens most weekends ...)
hate or date ??
I have to say Hate , that would drive me nuts.
I trust my animals reaction when I meet someone new.