Date - as long as you are both house-trained and sit on command
I never go to bed before 1 am. hate or date?
Fine with me, date.
I want to travel A LOT
Date, though depends where you want to go.
I have odd music tastes and have given up with popular culture.
hate or date?
I cannot tolerate rap , it drives me crazy , all they do is complain in a nasal broken English tone.
Date. Rap is performed by people who haven't got the talent to sing. :mad:
I've started to go grey at the temples - date or hate?
Date , I am getting there myself.
I have a really wicked mind and sense of humor.
Date or hate?
Date, I enjoy your sense of humor and wicked mind.
I don't like loud clubs, so I'd cook you dinner at home. Date or hate?
Date for sure.
I won't have sex unless I'm in love
Date - sex isn't compulsory! :biggrin:
I'd rather walk in the woods than traipse 'round the streets - date or hate?