Date, but I will just make a second vegetable for you when I want asparagus.
I have satellite internet, so, when it snows you have to go sweep the snow off the dish.
Date or hate?
Date, I dont think that would be a deal breaker. Lol
I make stupid purchases. Date or hate?
Date. Math is dumb.
I work a lot.
Date, it gives me more time to miss you :3
I'm a sleepy person, in general.
Date. I will just stare and watch you sleep in a creepy way.
I do stare at my sleeping partner, in kind of a sort of a creepy way. Hate or date?
Date, introverts suit me fine, I am a bit of a hermit/private person myself.
I can spend hours lost in a project or hobby and never say a word the whole time - you'll be lucky if I nod when you say something.
date im the same way when im mixing music or drawing
I have been known to race other people on the freeway
Date , been there done that.
If you ask me for the truth you will get it .
Date or hate?