Date, though I hope you wouldn't have to lie for me often. I'd lie for you too.
I will encourage you to be a healthy as you can be, in all aspects.
Date. Not a big deal, no bad habits.
I am bull headed (go figure) date or hate?
Date. Bull headed usually means you can get things done.
I believe pizza is one of nature's greatest foods.
Date so long as homemade pizza is okay - I rarely buy a take out pizza.
Eating out, even fast food is a rare (once a month or less) treat with me.
Hmm, I never go for fast food but I do like to eat out more then once a month so I'll have to say....hate
I like to travel but it sometimes makes me anxious
Hate: Sorry not the anxious bit (I feel for you) the travel part... I hate to travel.
Yeah, I hate to travel, hate or date?
Date - been there, done that, seen that and, it aint all that great.
I want to take you swimming, with the horses, in the river. (Yes they like to swim too.)
Date, That sounds amazing!
I speak three different languages other than english and can potentially have a secret conspiracy against you right in front of your face xD.