Never seen it.
Idk what bladerunner is. Date or hate?
A movie I don't like. Date.
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot. Hate or date?
Date - Joni Mitchell was right!
I've looked at life from both sides now - and I'm not impressed! Date or hate?
Date, your family's views are not your fault.
I didn't leave the house at all yesterday, only opened the door a few times to let the dog out. Date or hate?
Date, sounds like my kinda day.
I spend large blocks of time playing word games on the internet.
Date as long as you don't do it during our date!
I never play video games
Date, doesn't matter to me if you do or not as long as you don't mind me playing for an hour or two a week.
I won't go to bed until the kitchen is cleaned up.
Hell yes date.
As I am the only bread winner , my jobs come before pleasure.
Date or hate.
For me sleeping in is not getting up until 6:00am