Date- Deodorant or not.
I am terrible about remembering anniversaries and such. Date or Hate
Date. I can't remember them either.
I like eating salads. Hate or date?
Hate. I'm a stickler about those.
^^ hate or date? lol
Date, I'll eat a salad.
I eat some sometimes not so appetizing food. Date or hate?
Date because I don't have to eat it even if you do.
Every glass I drink out of has to be rinsed out right before you fill it or I won't drink it so date or hate.
Date... I sometimes worry about my dishes like that.
I get irritated when ignored... date or hate?
I'm sorry, did you say something? Date I guess.
I am feeling lonely tonight. Hate or date?
Date we can feel lonely together.
I wake up screaming from nightmares sometimes so date or hate?
Date, so do my kids sometimes, I've got practice in dealing with comforting in the middle of the night.
I like to be out late with friends the nights I don't have my kids. Date or hate?
Have fun? Date
I run a fan at night for the noise to help me 'sleep'.... Hate or Date?
Date, I do the same sometimes though I can do with or without.
I walk around in me undies and hoodie when no one else (that I'm not dating that is) is home or is going to be home soon.