Date, although I hate overly warm climates....
I would rather live in an area with lots of snow and trees all year round with highs of maybe 70*f than anywhere else. Date or hate?
Date, thats why the BF sleeps with me... Buffylo = bed furnace.
I'm always exothermic, except sometimes when I'm sick (which makes it easy to tell).
Date or hate?
Date I guess. I like warmth.
I have a song stuck in my head. Sometimes these take days for me to get rid of and I will hum it or even sing it until the time it decides to leave. Hate or date?
Date - Because
I always - ALWAYS wake up with a song in my head.... Hate or date
Date. It may make my song go away sooner.
I have a craving for homemade cookies. Hate or date?
Date. Pity I don't know anyone who bakes.... Oh Wait....
I bake - I bake a lot.... Hate or date?
So date!
I can't cook if my life depended on it. hate or date?