I see nothing wrong with that - date.
I can cut a deck of cards one handed! hate or date? :biggrin:
Date, although I believe thats a bit braggy? :p
I like bars but not clubs... D or H?
Date, I like bars over clubs
I rarely say I love you, I will however show that love in a million little ways... hate or Date?
Date. Words don't mean a thing if you don't back them up, and the back-up is plenty for me without the words.
I've realized I actually wouldn't mind watching the sun rise more often.
Date - I wouldn't mind watching the sunrise with someone.
I often eat cold cereal without milk - hate or date?
Date, I used to do that a lot.
I think breakfast is a Good Thing.
Date - I rarely eat before noon myself...
But I eat breakfast foods whenever hate or date?
Date - but only if you still have those blueberry cereals
I am sure will fall asleep after noon, date or hate?
Date, it's been kind of a family tradition for my family to eat breakfast for dinner on holidays (say, a dinner of waffles and eggs on Christmas or New Years.)
Edit cuz you ninja'd me :biggrin: Date.
I think God is meaningless and meaningful at the same time but probably not but probably.
I will date your family, I like when people know the benefit of sleeping in
Maybe I will date you for the God statement too
I hope I won't leave the bed today, date or hate?