Date - definitely sexy!
I need a shave - date or hate?
Date, I’m not too finickity over underwear.
I accidentally typed in this weird typeset...
Monk- Date...I like shaved,'s all good.
Lilitu- Date...change is always good.
Am I a slut for making two dates in the same post? LOL
I am dogmatic about paying my bills and keeping an accounting of household expenditures. Date or Hate?
Oh yeah - hard date - move in and marriage material. I love responsible men.
I took a quiz recently for my 'actual age' and the result is that mental/emotional age is 32 which is 14 years younger than I really am, Does that amount of immaturity make you want to date me or hate me?
Date. Age is just a number. And either way you'd be older/more mature than me :p
I often wake up congested and feeling icky but this fades after an hour or two. Date or hate
As a smoker that happens a lot to me as well. Date.
Doing more of those tests, I discover that I'm more than just a bit kinkier than I previously thought. Hate or Date?
Date, sounds fun.
I can be a bit too sentimental at times, date or hate?
Posts: 8,129
Threads: 11
Joined: Feb 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Date. We can be sentimental together.
I'm going to win the lottery soon. Date or Hate?
Sorry hate, I've seen what too much money can do to people first hand. Some can handle it ok, but others become horrific messes. I'd rather be poor and happy than rich and miserable.
Winter is my favorite season, date or hate?
Date date date date ... finally someone that likes winter besides me.
I am not fussed on moody people and hate drama.
Date or hate?