Sorry I don't get into Golden Showers - so... if you meant you piss on your partner - Hate, if its just a 'I have to use the head' thing date.
Let me clarify. I think children should be served it stuffing or potatoes and not heard - except when sizzling on the BBQ - hate or date?
Mind I felt the greatest empathy for the poor old witch in Hansel and Gretel.
I like to give a word of praise when I can - date or hate?
i always leave a tip , even when the service was crappy . it's like i think more money will motivate them to work harder next time , lol. hate or date
Date - but I still won't tip bad service.
In a Chinese restaurant I always ask for cutlery - I refuse to eat with a pair of twigs! Date or hate?
hate . i pretty much only use chopsticks
i have had plastic surgery , and am not totally against getting more . hate or date
It depends how far you take it, but id say date, but hate for "tipping" as i dont see why the only proffesion that get these tips are people who bring food back and forth
Im not human until i have my tea in the morning
Date- as long as you realize that I am the same with my coffee.
I don't follow any organized religion, but I do have very strong theological convictions. Date or Hate?
Date, i dont follow a religion, but i have strong convictions and moral principles, spiritually inclined and like to hold a good chat or argument!
ive been known to sleep talk, and wake up shouting things, one time i said "shit"
Just to clarify (im not into golden showers) particully, i just mean i pee a lot when i drink alcohol
Date- I do the same thing on occasion, particularly when I am stressed. I also sing in my sleep. Once I sang "Mamase Mamasa Mamakusa" over and over again until my roommates woke me up from laughing so hard.
I dislike snow and cold and I can't imagine ever moving to someplace where I'd have to live through a full winter! Date or Hate?
Date - There is a reason why I still leave in California - I can't handle the snow and ice.
I do not have a moral compass, but I do have a strong sense of ethics - No morals, lots of ethics - hate or date?