Date. I can't stand hot weather either. It's always easy to warm up. Just add more clothes. It's much harder to stay cool when it's hot.
I tend to hum and even sing old 1980's songs that get stuck in my head. Hate or date?
Date I will hum along with you.
My music listening goes in Phases like a week of Godsmack followed by a few days of the Eagles.
Date or hate?
Date - I can switch from Beethoven to The Beatles.
I worry too much - date or hate?
Date- It balances out with my refusal to worry.
I don't often like dessert and if given an option of a second helping of meat, or dessert, I will always take the former. Date or Hate?
Date, more dessert for me then! =D
I'm considering switching from cigarettes to E-cigs when I graduate. Date or hate?
Sorry Miles it has to beeeeeeeeeee hate. I love the dark. D or H?
Date- I do too.
I often get too wrapped up in an argument, especially politics, and actually have to avoid watching news sometimes just to keep my serenity! LOL Date or Hate?
Date - im just the same, i will turn the news off to avoid throwing the remote at it
D/h - I hate bright artificial light, especially in supermarkets where you need sunglasses nowadays! lol, or is that just me
Date me too , I wear anti glare glasses.
I absolutely detest two faced people and I do not pretend to like them.
Date or Hate?
Definitely date. If I had two faces I wouldn't have to wear this one all the time!
My sense of humour has been described as weird - date or hate?