Date - however everything I serve is very good to excellent. So there isn't any 'forcing' oneself to eat....
I tend to cook a lot more than what is needed for the currently number of eaters expected. Hate or date?
Date, leftovers are awesome.
I use wine in every dish that has tomatoes. D/H?
Date. That's a good combination.
I play ball with my dogs in the pool. Date or hate?
Date - would love to see that :p
I would add some lazy garlic to ardus combo of wine and tomato.
(Lazy garlic is ready to use garlic in a jar)
I dehydrate my own garlic and grind it by hand (motor and pestle) - I do a lot of stuff the old fashion (hard) way - hate or date?
I'm sure that includes sex :biggrin:
I'm a sap for a hard-luck story
Date. Tragedy is my favorite.
I refuse to watch any show or movie with Shia Labeouf in it. Date or Hate?
Date, that guy gets on my fucking nerves.
I want some ecstasy. date or hate
Date both of you for hating on Shia labeouf and murlz for the ecstacy
Date or hate - i like antz.
Date I still have that game on PS1.
I am very competitive in sports but am not a sore loser or in your face winner .
Date or Hate?