Hate - buy better socks not the cheap ones.:tongue:
I don't wear socks - hate or date?:biggrin:
Hate (sorry)
In SA people who don't wear socks are called "Brack-panner's" or "ama-plotters"
Neither is very complimentary indeed
Buy expensive socks? Not with my sock monster.... Naaa the Chinese imports will do just fine thanks
I chew pens and pencils up long before they stop writing, D/H
Posts: 8,129
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Joined: Feb 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Hate (due to my own pen munching bad experiences) :biggrin:. I'd have to buy you a titanium pen and see how that worked out...
I like being off-grid and not easily contactable at times, D or H?
i hate people sometimes . hate or date ?
Date. Same.
Sometimes I feel like it's all too much and wish everything would just stop for a minute. d/h
date. me too.
i would quite like to have a really boring life . hate or date
Posts: 4,872
Threads: 37
Joined: Sep 2012
I'm a : Single Gay Man
08-03-2013, 03:52 AM
(Edited 08-03-2013, 03:55 AM by Chase.)
It depends on what you call boring. I plan on attaining rockstar status as both a scientist and engineer solving the world's energy crisis, becoming President and CEO of a trillion dollar corporation and perhaps the chairman of the board of directors, inventing that warp drive from Star Trek, leading a project to terraform lifeless planets and have planets across the galaxy colonized, becoming the democratically elected president of what will be a federation of star systems, and then eventually going into an early retirement living in my hometown.
I plan on being really into my career after I graduate, date or hate?
Hate (sorry)
could really do with some excitement in mine, specially of the human kind
I'm old, grouchy, not sociable, and single D/H
Date lol
D/H I'm a stoner
Date. I don't smoke anything, but I really don't give a damn if anyone else smokes weed.
I love comic books. Date or hate?