Normals are pretty boring.
I'm both cray-cray and comepletely silly.
Date. I have a few uniforms still around...
I do things very last-minute. Date or hate.
ooo... Sorry but that is a hate. --->
Because I have to plan out and organize everything in detail in order to do things like oh go to the store... Forget vacations, I need at least two weeks to pack, unpack, inventory, repack all of the equiptment, check things off my check list thrice, repack and finally spend several hours loading up the back of the truck or the car, fitting everything in such a manner as there is no free space - I'm real good at 3D tetris...
Hate or Date?
Date. 3D tetris is awesome.
After a shower I have to completly air dry I hate putting on clothes when I am wet. hahha D/H
Date - Flags are kinda cool.
I don't use Yahoo or MSN or any messenger type service - hate or date?
Date, as long as I can text you.
I'm pretty obsessed with cooking for my man.
Date: I actually dislike cooking but am the one always doing it... I would be nice to have someone cook for me for a change.
My fever broke, now I'm sweating - hate or date?:biggrin:
Date without the fever, or with it.
I spend too much money on food D\H?