Hate. If I have too much awesome food around, I'll get fat. Oh wait... you cook food too? Um... date. Damn it.
I have fat fingers. Date or hate?
date. I often find that my mind goes there also.
At the moment I now run and manage 4 different websites. d/h?
Date. Computer skills are sexy!
I let my dog sleep on the bed. Date or hate?
It's the only darn thing that will cuddle with me these days.
I detest drag shows... Really :mad:
Date. I detest leaving the house, so that's one less activity I have to worry about you dragging me to.
When I'm angry I tend to drive long distances and try to get myself lost to see if I can find my way back, thus inevitably using an ungodly amount of gas.
Date or Hate
Date. Getting out of the house is a healthy way of managing anger.
I like having deep, philosophical discussions all the time. Date or hate?
Definitely date. Nothing beats a quality conversation.
I'm currently keeping a tarantula.
Hate.... maybe date. Date only if I get to have flamethrower slung over shoulder when I'm near it.... and a priest.
I hate clutter. I'm an anti-hoarder. I throw out everything that's not essential, I like having little to nothing hanging on my walls, I keep very little for sentiment's sake... except for a collection of tickets. I have a coffee can full of every ticket to every movie, play, concert or whatever I've been to since I was 8.
Date or Hate?
Posts: 10,581
Threads: 20
Joined: Aug 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
date. im not into hoarders
Im not home on the weekends. d/h?