Date, of course, then we can do things a whole lot more entertaining than watching tv.
I hate to death end-of-the-day-how-was-your-day conversations. I'm more likely to give you a kiss and go take a shower.
Date, always did that when I was younger and sometimes still do that. So I'm used to it.
I prefer a night in more that a night out. So I'd rather have fun at home than fun at bars, restaurants, and whatnot. Date or Hate?
Date. But mind you I like to walk for miles so, better be ready to spend some energy. And please don't take pictures of me....
I snore...not as bad as some relatives of mine that nearly destroy the house during the night....oh, and I sometimes (not that often) get night terrors that make me wake up screaming and crying.
Date. Since I work most of the day I can't really mind of what you use your daytime for (but the house better be clean when I get back, damn it! Haha)....on weekends we can totally nap together.
I have more drawers for my books than I do for clothes.
Date, as long as i can read some of them. And I like that they are in an organized place.
I can't eat fish, I don't want to be anywhere near fish, I don't want to smell fish, and I wouldn't kiss a guy right after he ate fish because I'm allergic. Date or Hate?