I bet the D/H part was him loving men in military uniform...hehe..
duckie, I do too, so date...I go particularly nuts over Navy dudes in formal uniforms..wearing those thight trousers...OMG
I have a ton of VHS movies I no longer can watch cause no one will fix my damaged VHS...so date
I like a Sunday home, quiet and uneventful D/H
I'm a homebody as well most of the time - so date.
I have regular periods (about every 60 days) when my libido goes through the roof and I can barely control myself - mind past partners have complained during these periods that its too much.... Hate or date?
well, I've been a self-repressed gay virgin for 26 years...so I have a looooooooot of catching up to do..
I take better care of my books than my clothes...
Oh my - a lover of books - definite date - definite.
I can't believe I ate the whole thing - hate or date?
Date - nice to hear your eating something... keep up the good work
hate or date - i dont support gypsy travellers who dont travel and want free housing
Hate. Sorry, however I believe that free and affordable housing for all is mandatory for a civilized society to function. That and free, decent food and free decent health care. I'm not saying we build a mansion for everyone, but decent housing, complete with modern necessities like heat and cooling, electric lights should be there for everyone.
Which we will just say that that all is my hate or date thing.....
Hate, sorry, you should come and live here.
Occupation for 24 H = squatter's rights = need eviction order. If U white owner count on over 6 months before getting it, only after providing "acceptable" accomodation (acceptable to the squatter)
then you have to get a sherrif. Sherrif will be "of color" count on nothing happening.
Wonder why I drove my tractor over a squatter's brand new shack that was being built on my 75 hector waterfront property about 15 years back? ( Vaal dam North bay do the googlie earth thingie)
Wonder why I sold it?
Hate for not leaving a hate or date subject for me to hate or date.
Blah blah blah, yada yada yada, I feel like ripping off heads and shitting down neck holes today - hate or date?
Just 2 push your button.....
U pick one