Hate is such a strong word... But I won't date you.
I have an opinion about many things and have much I COULD say on subjects - like the rant just above me- but I keep my opinions to myself.... hate or date?
Date...just on the hope that one day you'll explode and go on a rant/muder rampage from keeping all those opinion in so many years..I would love to see that
I hate summers....not even going to the beach to calm my self in the cold ocean makes it less of a crappy station IMO..
We have issues - I prefer heat and warmth over cold.... Now the only way I can survive without summers is if there is lots - and I mean a whole hella lot of cuddling and snuggling.... So dating depends on how warm you can keep me.
I have a a high level of need for cuddling/snuggling - hate or date?
I would say date because I also love it but would that be wierd since you are my big brother?
I move around a lot when I sleep and sometimes I laugh also or at least so I have been told.
Bennet: As for cuddling brothers, apparently (so I have heard) Gay marriage and incest are the same thing... So..... To keep certain politicians telling truths shall we, you know.... *wink wink*
South You got a Hot body! - Oh gods I love men that are hot.
Goodness I don't need to stay up late we can go to bed early - I will just stare at you as you sleep. Date.
Bad flirty elf, got so caught up with flirting with the boys you forgot a hate or date.
I hate you for that... ;-)
I hate myself - hate or date?
Date. I sometimes do that also. I can be a chatter box somedays while others I am a man of few words.
Speaking of chatter box when I get talking sometimes I just don't know when to stop. D/H