Hate or date - people who always wear black and everything is black black black annoy me
IDK... I wear all black occasionally, all blue occasionally and all grey occasionally. Black, grey, blue makes up 80-85% of my clothing. So all black days happen.
Sometimes I will doodle while bored, which is usually the repeated phrase:
help I'm trapped in hell
help I'm trapped in hell
help I'm trapped in hell
help I'm trapped in hell
help I'm trapped in hell
help I'm trapped in hell
Hate or Date
Yeah thats fine, i have black days!
I just will not get warm today, i am SITTING on a heater and still nippy! Hate or date
Date - perhaps if we rub ourselves together like two sticks we will start a fire?
I drank the last of my jack daniels last night and only have Johnny Walker Black Left - hate or date?
Yes maybe, could be like that kings of leon song :p
Hate - I like Jack daniels but who is this johnny Black and where the hell is Jim Beam
Hate or date - i like my JD or JB (Jim Beam!) With coca-cola and ice with a slice of lemon & lime and ice, seriously.
I would date you. You are smart, caring and appear to have a large heart - which really matters. I also can relate with you on some of your issues and 'get' you a bit better than others might. You strike me as one of the good guys - worthy of dating.
I dislike the Walking Dead series (TV show) it is more annoying than interesting - hate or date?
Well I love the walking dead series. But I won't hate you. Date. Everyone has differences.
Speaking of tv. I just watched Haven on Netflix and enjoyed it. D/H