hahahah..date, it happens to me too..
I never know where my teas with a touch of anise liqueur goes to....hahah
(you do know over here we are nut jobs over tea because of you Brits..hehe...you would do fine here)
I don't drink coffee, hence I don't see why I should make you some just cause (If you ask me to, though, sure, I'll make some) D/H
I love coffee but I would never assume for you to make me some,. I can do that myself or just buy it on my way to work which is what I usally do. so Date.
I use to work 3rd shift. 10pm to 6:30am every weekday. Which is why I have a hard time sleeping at night. but I love to work nights. D/H
Date, that would make it all the more easy for me to have my numerous affairs :biggrin:
I don't smoke and if you do by all means, do so, but you're not allowed in the house while doing it
wanna kill yourself? Go freeze yourself outside while you smoke....faster than dying from cancer anyway
Hate: No one tells me how to regulate my habits.
No one.
I hate survivor type shows - go
Date - I smoke but dont mind going outside to light up... it helps me to cut down
I cant abide tv soaps
Date. That's alright.
I love reality shows most especially the singing stuffs. like xfactor, the voice, idol etc
Don't really mind what you watch..date
I have the most fantastic ways to disregard peoples feelings...ugh..
I do care but sometimes i feel the need to disregard. Its just balanced that way, so date
It sucks but I can get very lazy at times, i like being idle but when I am motivated i work hard.