I understand how that goes, so date..
we'll have to organize that your laziness doesn't coincide with mine :tongue:
I always hate social gathering with work colleagues...they make me uncomfortable D/H
Date.. Im the same. I wont even reply at times
its quite hard for me to make decisions d/h
Date, we can decide together
I love Indian Food
Hate or Date
^TPBM?? I thought this is Hate or date? haha. Well if you like spicy foods that is ok. date
I dont like the bar scenes. d/h
Date, I don't mind it sometimes but every now and then bars are fun, not essential to me though
I sometimes mix up the word games I'm playing. D/H?
Dtae, your miss-play incidence is way lower than that of duckie or Bowyn..
I have lowsy self-esteem..alsmot non-existant...I hear it can get tiring..D/H
Date.. i would rather have a guy with low self esteem than a guy who is too full of himself. Additionally, my sincere compliments would help uplift self-esteem
I can be quite indecisive and I hate it. yes no yes no yes.. Sometimes I like something, sometimes I hate it. d/h